Are You Going To Tell Bucky?

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Bucky walks into the bedroom to see Lizzie putting in her earrings.

It was the day of Rebecca's wedding and the couple were getting ready for the occasion.

When she finishes putting her earrings on, she stands up and Bucky gets a good look at her.

She is wearing a floor length lavender gown and her hair is pulled back in an elegant twist. Bucky had never seen her so dressed up and she looked beautiful.

Lizzie hears Bucky's entrance and turns towards him.

"Wow, I thought you wanted to go to the wedding," Bucky says.

He begins to walk over to her as she looks at him in confusion. He pulls her into his arms.

"What? Why would you think I didn't want to go?" Lizzie asks.

Her hair style exposes her neck and Bucky can't help but leave open mouth kisses up it.

He hears her breathe hitch and he smiles into her neck.

"Because you're tempting me to keep us trapped in here all day," Bucky whispers.

He continues his assault on her neck and kisses up her jaw and to her lips.

They kiss until Lizzie finally gets her head under control and pulls back.

She looks in his eyes and sees the desire.

"Later," she says breathily.

She gives him one more peck on the mouth and removes herself from his arms so they won't get further tempted.

"Do you have everything you need?" Lizzie asks Bucky.

"Yes, yes. Their gift is wrapped and downstairs and the house key is in my pocket. Plus, I have my beautiful fiancé to have on my arm all night," Bucky says.

She gets a good look at Bucky. He is wearing a tux and his hair is combed and slicked back. He looks so handsome.

Lizzie almost wants to take Bucky up on his decision to stay home. Almost.

"You're cheesy today," Lizzie notes.

"Only for you," Bucky says with a cheeky grin.

She loved that after all these years, he still wants to flirt with her. She worried that overtime, the initial attraction would fade. If anything, they were more attracted to each other now than they were when they were teenagers.

They heard a car horn and notice that Bucky's parents are here to pick them up.

They climb into the car and head off to the venue. The weather was beautiful and perfect for the day. Lizzie is glad that Rebecca decided to have a June wedding.

When they arrive, they are a little early. The men decided to help with the set up while the woman would go to help Rebecca get ready.

Lizzie makes her way into the venue and into the room where Rebecca is getting ready.

When she walks in, she sees that Rebecca is already in her wedding dress.

For a split second she thinks back to the cute little nine year old that she met ten years ago. It is a little hard for Lizzie to reconcile the girl in pigtails to the beautiful woman in front of her.

"Becca, you look so beautiful. Jack isn't going to know what hit him," Lizzie says.

Rebecca looks over to Lizzie and gives her a radiant smile.

"Liz!" Rebecca says.

Rebecca runs up and gives her a big hug.

"I haven't seen you in a couple months. Where have you and my brother been?" Rebecca asks.

"I was finishing up my last year in the general medicine program so I was swamped with studying. You can nag your brother though, he has no excuse," Lizzie says.

"I'll make sure to smack him at the reception," Rebecca jokes.

Both of the laugh at Rebecca's semi-serious threat. When they stop laughing, Lizzie looks at Rebecca with a small smile.

"Are you ready to get married?" Lizzie asks.

"Yes and no. Yes, I am ready to marry Jack but no, because I don't know how to be a wife," Rebecca explains.

"I don't think anyone really knows how to be a wife. I think it's different from couple to couple and you and Jack are going to have to figure out what it means for you two," Lizzie says.

She knows that when she marries Bucky, they are going to be anything but a traditional married couple.

The pair fall into silence, both in their own heads.

"I think I'm pregnant," Rebecca shouts out.

Lizzie was definitely not expecting to deal with that today.

"What?" Lizzie shouts.

"I'm sorry, I wasn't going to say anything but I needed to tell someone," she says.

"Does Jack know?" Lizzie asks.

"No, I didn't want to freak him out before the wedding. We are so young and I was worried that it might scare him away," Rebecca admits.

"Oh, Becca. Jack loves you, if you are pregnant, you have to know he will be there every step of the way," Lizzie says.

Lizzie wonders what her and Bucky would do if she got pregnant.

She'd have to drop out of school and start working to support the baby. She would hate to do it but she would do it without complaint. She would love any child that they had together, no matter the timing.

"Logically, I know that but fears aren't always rational," Rebecca says.

"Well, here's what we are going to do. We are going to get you married and honeymooned and when you get back, I'm going to give you an exam to see if you are expecting," Lizzie says.

"Are you going to tell Bucky?" Rebecca asks.

"You're not even sure if you are pregnant. When we confirm it, you can tell him yourself," Lizzie says.

"Thank you, Lizzie," Rebecca says earnestly.

Lizzie helps Rebecca get ready and then goes out to meet Bucky so they can take their seats.

"Your sister looks beautiful," Lizzie says.

"She nervous?" Bucky asks.

"A little, how was setting up with your dad? Any passive aggressive comments about your little sister marrying before you?" Lizzie asks.

"Does 'it's crazy that you will be almost a whole ten years older than your sister currently is when you get married' count as passive aggressive?" Bucky asks.

Lizzie throws her head back and laughs.

"A bit, but honestly, I was kinda expecting worse," Lizzie says.

They take their seats and the ceremony starts. As Bucky watches his sister get married, he suddenly can't wait for his own marriage. He sticks by his decision to wait but a small part of him wants to marry her now.

He finally feels like he's ready to be a good husband and father but he knows that Lizzie needs to finish school first.

The reception quickly follows and Bucky pulls Lizzie out on the dance floor after Rebecca and Jack finish their first dance.

He closes his eyes and for a split second allows himself to imagine that this is his wedding. That this is his first dance and the woman in his arms was his wife.

When he opens his eyes, he almost expects Lizzie to be wearing a white dress instead of lavender.

"What's wrong?" Lizzie asks.

He gives her a small smile and kisses the top of her head. He pulls her in closer and she rests her head on his chest.

"Nothing's wrong," Bucky says.

He prides himself on always telling Lizzie the truth but he knows he just told her a lie.

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