He'll Never Love You Either

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The next year passes and the trio begins to grow even closer in their friendship.

It is incredibly rare that a day goes by without the three of them attached to each other's hip.

They celebrate Bucky's 15th birthday where the twins gift him with the second edition of "The Adventures of Bucky Barnes and The Roger Twins". They also celebrate the twins' 14th birthday on July 4th.

Bucky takes the twins to a look out he found one day and they sit and watch the fire works.

They stay out for several hours chatting and Lizzie falls asleep on Bucky's shoulder. Bucky feels the same inexplicable warmth in his chest that he felt two New Years ago when she kissed him on the cheek.

Well, he kind of understands what that feeling is now. He is fifteen and is starting to get interested in girls but those kind of feelings towards Ellie are incredibly dangerous so he tries his best to squash it.

So when Tara Conners asks him to go dancing, he doesn't say no.

The trio is hanging out at that same lookout a few weeks later when the topic comes up.

"What movie do you want to see Friday?" Lizzie asks.

The last Friday of every month, the trio always go to see a movie at the local theater.

"I can't go actually," Bucky admits guiltily.

"What? You got a hot date or something?" Steve jokes.

"Um, yeah actually. Tara Conners asked me out and I said yes," Bucky admits.

He refuses to look at Ellie when he says this. He knows if he looks at her, he'll give too much away and he doesn't want to see the indifference on her face.

If only Bucky looked at her, he would see the devastation on her face.

"Oh wow! Tara Conners, that's great Buck," Steve says genuinely.

"Well maybe we'll see a movie next month if James isn't too busy taking out all the girls around town," Lizzie says haughtily.

"Oh, calm down Lizzie. It's just one date. We hang out almost everyday and it's not like we're loosing him forever," Steve says.

Lizzie fears that that is exactly what this is. She worries that this is the beginning of the end of their friendship. He's eventually going to go steady with a girl and how will she take him having a girl as a best friend? He'll have to make a choice and she worries it won't be her.
At least, that's what she tells herself she is upset about.

"I have homework to do. I'll see you at home Steve," she says right before she runs off.

"What's up with her?" Bucky asks.

"You know she doesn't like change," Steve explains.

Bucky knows that change is something that Lizzie hates but he feels like there's more to it then that.

"Nothing is going to change, it's just a date," Bucky says.

"I know, I know, she's just overreacting. She has to understand that it's a part of growing up. Before we know it she's going to start dating, that'll be crazy," Steve muses.

Bucky doesn't like the feelings that pop up when he thinks about someone else taking her out, holding her, kissing her. It should be him, he thinks. He quickly stops that thought. He knows he can't go there for so many reasons; she's so young, she's his best friend's sister, and most importantly she is his best friend.

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