We Can't Go Back

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Wow, Come Back With Me hit one million reads. Two years ago I never thought it would get the reception it did let alone what it's grown to be. I've loved reading each and every comment and the love y'all have for Lizzie and Bucky. I am so excited that I hit this huge milestone and I couldn't have done it without your support!

This leads me to an exciting announcement. I have started writing a spin off of the original story based off of this question:

What if Lizzie broke all her promises and followed Bucky and Steve in to the war?

The story will change and timelines will alter but in the end, it's just another adventure for Bucky Barnes and the Rogers' Twins.

I hope you join me on this new journey exploring this 'what if?' In We Can't Go Back.

The story is already published on my profile.

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