Get It Together

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Bucky wakes up in the middle of the night and notices Lizzie isn't in bed with him. He panics for a quick second until he realizes that she's probably with the twins.

He has been sleeping without his arm for about a month now and there has been no issues. The most bizarre thing is that he hardly gets nightmares anymore. He can't explain why but he feels less of hydra's influence with it off. He actually has been dreaming a lot about Wakanda recently. Lizzie thinks it's his subconscious connecting his lack of an arm with the only other time where he didn't have it.

He misses Wakanda, it was beautiful and he was content there. He liked Shuri and respected T'Challa. He doesn't miss much from his old time but he does miss that.

Lizzie would have loved Wakanda. The sights, the people, the technology. He could only imagine how Lizzie would react if she was ever in Shuri's lab. A kid in a candy store seems like an apt description.

He decides to get up and go check on her. He gets out of bed and reattaches his arm before heading over to the nursery. He can hear Lizzie's light voice making its way through the door but it isn't until he's close that he realizes what she's saying.

"Sweet dreams till sunbeams find you
Sweet dreams that leave all worries behind you
But in your dreams whatever they be
Dream a little dream of me"

She's singing to the twins he realizes. That song has so much significance in their relationship and now it's being passed on to their kids.

She's sitting in the rocker with a twin on each shoulder, fast asleep. She glances up and sees Bucky standing there.

"Hi," she mouths.

"Hi," he mouths back.

Bucky walks over and takes Steven from her and they place the babies back in their cribs. Bucky wraps his arms around Lizzie from behind and she leans her head back on his chest. They watch their kids for a moment, reveling in the fact that they made them. They were theirs.

They soon decide to go back to bed. As they lie there in the dark, both staring at the ceiling. Lizzie presents a question that's been bothering her for awhile.

"Do you think the super soldier serum will effect them?" She asks.

Bucky sighs because this has also been on his mind a lot. He really didn't know if it was genetic. He knows that supposedly it is supposed to change his cells but did it change his DNA?

"I hope not," he says.

He knows that Hydra would be very interested in getting their hands on the children of one of their greatest weapons.

Lizzie is a little surprised at Bucky's statement. She didn't care either way if her boys had inherited it from Bucky. She was merely curious about the odds of it happening.

"Why do you hope not?" She asks.

"Hydra," he says.

He's not going to hide his fears from her anymore. She knows how to comfort him and she usually knows what to do.

"You think they'd come after the boys?" She asks in surprise.

"If they knew their parentage, they wouldn't hesitate," he says.

They fall in silence for a moment both thinking of the horrible implications of Bucky's words.

Bucky knows that if they got the boys, they would turn them into weapons. Even if Bucky didn't pass his abilities down to them, they already know that Bucky was able to survive taking the serum when so many others have died or turned against Hydra. Bucky was their most successful test subject. It is likely that the boys would have a similar reaction to the serum.

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