Do You Still Have A Crush On Me?

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Soon enough, October rolls around and the trio discuss what they want to do for Halloween.

"We should just stay in like we did last year," Steve says.

Last year, Lizzie rented a book with old scary stories from the library. They took turns reading it to each other in the dark with a flashlight. Then they ate a bunch of candy and passed out on the floor.

"That was really fun but where's your sense of adventure Steve!" Bucky says.

They were young and living in the greatest city in the world. Bucky thought it would be a travesty to stay inside two years in a row.

"What do you want to do El?" Bucky asks.

"Riley and I actually have plans. I was going to invite you to come along," Lizzie says.

"But we always do Halloween together," Bucky says.

"Well then I guess you'll just have to come along then," Lizzie says.

Lizzie would have preferred to just spend the evening with the boys like tradition but she couldn't exactly say no when Riley asked her. It's not fair to him if she refuses to get together with him for every holiday.

"Where are you going?" Steve asks.

"Carter Mitchell is having a Halloween party," Lizzie says.

Carter was one of the popular kids at the school. He was known for the parties he threw.

"I was invited to that too. You know there's going to be alcohol there, right?" Bucky says.

"Yes, I know," Lizzie says.

"And you're okay with that?" Bucky asks.

Bucky has drank on more than a few occasions but he has never seen her take even a sip of anything. Lizzie was ever the rule follower.

"Of course I'm okay with that. I'm not a complete stick in the mud," Lizzie says indignantly.

"You're not going to drink, are you Lizzie?" Steve asks.

"Why not? It sounds like fun," Lizzie says.

"Why are you all of a sudden so into drinking?" Bucky asks.

"Since now," Lizzie says.

Bucky can tell that something is up with Lizzie but he decides to let it go. However, if she's drinking at a party, he's definitely going. He knows how wild parties can get, especially Carter's and he doesn't want her to get hurt or taken advantage of.

"I'll come," Bucky says.

"Yeah, okay," Steve says a bit more hesitantly.

He's a little worried about Lizzie's new attitude towards drinking as well.

"Great, it's a costume party," Lizzie says.

On Halloween, Lizzie arrives at the party with Riley. Lizzie isn't really into costumes but Riley convinced her to dress up as Minnie and Mickey Mouse with him.

Bucky shows up an hour later without Steve.

Steve got sick but urged both Lizzie and Bucky to go without him.

A smile lights up on Lizzie's gave when he walks through the door. She runs up to him but almost falls on her face. Luckily, Bucky is there to catch her.

"Whoa, El. Careful," Bucky says.

He can tell she is already quite tipsy. Her cheeks are flushed and she has a wild smile on her face. She's even beautiful when she's drunk.

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