My dreadful life

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Travis's pov: it was a normal Monday for me my mom and dad screaming and fighting.

It was the ordinary for me all the damn time.
I was able to gather up all of the energy I had and stood up.

But that felt like fucking hell.
There was bruises all over my body, scars from my cutting from my legs to my arms.
And to top it all off the huge ass bruise on my eye from my dad... well if you can even call him that.

He hurts me and my mom who's nothing but a pure angle from heaven, just shouts and yells for no reason at all, and will lock me in my room for days and sometimes weeks without food just to go to school. I'm still here now because I was able to find some money and buy some snacks and drinks to keep me alive.

But why did I have to even live this life...
Especially with my farther his not even a good father anyway. He just likes to hurt me and my mom when he's drunk, sleeps, attends our church every Sunday, and eat.

What a fucking pig.

I hope he dies and burns in hell.

But now let's get on to the actual story... shall we.....

I then walked over to my drawer and got out my clothes my purple-pinkish sweater and my green jeans.

I then walked out of my room and got my book bag from the coat rack and headed down stairs but before I could my farther tapped me on the shoulder and turned me around.

"Son listen to me."

I shook my head yes and then he said with bitterness in his voice.

"Don't be such a f@ggot you you look like a girl..."

I was confused what did he mean by that I
"Looked like a girl."

"Go in your room and change."

I walked into my room and looked for some different clothing and then I saw a long sleeved white shirt and some black pants.

These would have to do for now I thought.

I then waved goodbye to my mom and "dad" before leaving the place.

I walked to the bus stop and I waited there and then I checked my phone..


I knew the bus wouldn't be here so I just sat down till the bus came.

And then when I least expected it it started to rain.

GREAT! I then sighed and then I didn't fell any rain. I saw it was raining and then i saw....

Hope y'all liked this

Word count:𝟰𝟯𝟵

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