¿I T S A B A D D R E A M!

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Hi um well yeah hi there everyone so before we continue with this story I have to say I'm so fucking grateful to have so many reads and love making more chapters for everyone to enjoy! Y'all chill ngl... also why do people ship Travis's dad and sal's dad together?
In my opinion it's kinda a weird ship I just wanna know why people like to ship them but in my opinion it's weird af. It just doesn't give me a good feeling because Travis's dad lowkey killed sal's mom and damaging his face and he also abused Travis and is homophobic as well. Overall it's a weird ship but let's continue with the story shall we...

Warning this part of the book contains
Bruise and scars
Homophobic slurs
You've been warned.

Sal's pov: while I was in school I couldn't get my mind off of Travis. He could be doing his terrible things again... I've haven't seen him at all I hope he's ok...

When it was lunchtime I just sat at my table with everyone else today. I was kinda quite as well kinda talking to my friends but they kinda didn't mind but kinda concerned. I couldn't stop thinking about Travis I just hope he's ok...

Travis's pov: I was still in my bed laying still in my bed with tear stains on my beaten up face.
I felt tired so I just went to sleep and that was the worst mistake I've ever made.

In dream.

I was laying down on a wooden surface and I when I saw that is was one of my seats at my church and I was in my church... when I got up I could see my dad on the stage as I walked up to him and I could hear the whispers of someone saying "don't do it" "you'll regret it"
And they were right...

When I got to him he grabbed my arm tightly as he held up my secret book with a bunch of things i can't show my farther. OH WHATS THIS?! He said with anger. N-nothing... SO YOUR GAY?! No. YES YOU ARE YOU LITTLE F@G!!

COME WITH ME BOY! He pulled me into a pitch black room and when he turned on the light I could see a big huge axe with dried up blood on it. He threw me down on the floor and
When I was trying to leave the door was locked.

Oh trying to leave I see... well... your shouldn't have became such a f@ggot. He swung the axe to my leg and sliced my leg clean off. I let out a blood like scream while he kept swinging his axe at me. I tried to get away but I couldn't. I fell to the floor only to see everything was a bright red. My farther swing the axe to my stomach and sliced me in half and before I blacked out I could see all of my organs spill from my body. Then I woke up.

Out of dream.

I let out a huge gasp felling everywhere on my boys so I know my body wasn't sliced but luckily I wasn't. As I stood up from my bed to check the time it was only 2:35 right now. I walked out of my room to see my mom on the couch reading a book I didn't wanna disturb her so I just walked to the kitchen to get something to eat it was just a sandwich that's all. I walked back to my room and closed my door to eat my sandwich. I didn't like the dream I had well you can call it a nightmare actually. It felt too real but it wasn't real. I decided on grabbing my notebook and decided to write something in it.

•Journal entry#21•
"Hi journal it's me again Travis today I had the weirdest dream of farther finding this thing. He sliced me and my organs came out of my stomach it felt too real tho... I didn't understand that dream. But I couldn't go to school today because of my dad beating me. I hate him. Also along with that I'm in love with a boy named sal fisher but I don't know if he feels the same way tho... I love him so much I just wanna kiss his lips so badly. I'll go to school tomorrow tho I might go over sal's place today or even get his number. Well that's all for today."

I then closed the journal it was like something to keep things that happened to me or just things I've been doing lately. I hope farther doesn't find this out or I'm dead meat. I could hear something or someone banging on my window so I decided on checking it out and then I saw...


Omg this was the longest chapter I had to write guys but this chapter was also so much fun to make but don't worry they'll kiss soon I promise. As always hope you enjoyed the book and the next chapter will be out soon.

Word count:875
(That's a lot of words if you ask me)

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