Song about the church boy i love

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Hey there yall I know sal didn't get much time on the page as he should but this chapter and possibly a bit of the next one will be on him if that's ok with y'all :). Also this story will contain
Self harm scars

Sals pov: as I saw Travis get off the school bus and walked into his house I sat back down and began to put my notebook in my bag. Those notes were just a song I was thinking of making one day. Being a leader of a band was my deepest despite in life. Maybe Larry and ash could be in the band you know. As the bus stooped at Addisons apartment I walked off the bus and walked into the apartment building.

I walked into the elevator and went to my floor and when I turned the key to the place the door opened leaving a slight creaking sound along with it. I walked into the place and gone to my room. It was a decent like room even along with the sanity falls poster on the right side of my rooms wall along my guitar beside it. I sat my book bag by my bed and took out the homework I had to do and worked on it till it was done. When I finished the homework I felt a bit hungry so I went to the kitchen and opened the fridge to see what I can eat. I saw some leftover pasta I had last night so I just heated that up in the microwave along with the sound of my pet gizmo purring by my leg.

As the pasta was done I heated up I sat it down on the counter and clipped my mask only to reveal my mouth and then I took the pasta and sat at the table. When I was eating I just remembered a certain someone. Travis. I saw Travis taking some pills along with his have bloody slits on his arms today... I was worried of him doing such terrible things to relive of "stress" but it felt like a lie. He might be doing it for stress and something else. He might have something going on at home and that might explain the big bruise on his face. I felt bad for him and I wanted to help him the best of my abilities. But today when I was looking at his arm I could see multiple marks on his arms from past times he could be doing it often or everyone in a while. But still it was bad for him to do it.

He might think he's not hurting anybody but he actually is if they find out this terrible secret he's been doing. I wanted him to be loved cause I know he's not a bad guy he's just misunderstood that's all. I'll help him. I promise y'all that... i hope he's doing ok at home. I checked the time and it was 9:28 pm so I thought it would be a good thing to do is to go to sleep and wake up early in the morning.

I gone through my drawer and picked out my pajamas to wear and then I laid on my bed hoping I could go to sleep but I couldn't. Travis was on my mind he could be doing his terrible things again but he promised he wouldn't do it but I think it's a lie... I then got my book bag and took out my notebook and my pencil and wrote a song called

"Tears coming from the church boy I loved"

Oh little church boy. You bring me times that were sweet and sour ones as well. And they remind me I feel you. People think your sour like a lemon but your sweet like sugar. Even tho you were mean to me and my friends at times you hiding a terrible secret no one else knows but you and me. Slits of crosses on your light brown arms and your pills you have in your bag with notes for school stays at. Terrible things you do for your stress but your slitting my heart when you do your terrible things you do to your light brown arms. A light kiss is what I give you on the forehead in the school restroom when we were just young. I bet your lips taste like honey and mint leaves on the freshest of all mint leaves picked by hand. Crying is what I hear from that stalls from the church boy I love dearly. Oh dear church boy don't cry your face should never have tears on your light brown face you have your bruise on. Dear church boy I love you dearly my wonderful church boy I love dearly.

I blushed a light pink thinking about him and then I felt like sleeping because writing that song was kinda tiring I put my notebook in my book bag and zipped it closed after that I took of my mask and fell fast asleep.

Hope this one y'all loved the most from all of the others :) also if your felling suicidal plz contact the suicide hotline and their number is


Your loved and never forget that

Word count.890

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