my lover is beside my hostpital bed

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3rd person pov: as sal begged for help he was lucky to get some help and get Travis to the hospital as fast as they can! But will sal see Travis again? Let's see!

Tw this book contains
Slight blood

Sals pov: as I was in the waiting hall in the hospital I was kinda terrified of hospitals besides thats where mom died at and where the ppl helped me survive when my face half of my face was blown off. Then I saw two ladies one being Travis's mom and another lady she had white hair but she wasn't that old to have white hair she looked somewhere in her mid 30-40s actually.

They then sat beside me Travis's mom in utter disbelief that her own son tried to end his own life and I'm in disbelief as well as she is. That's just sad for me actually. Oh hi sal... hi miss Phelps. I'm dearly sorry that your son almost took his own life. Well you got that right sadly. But also this here is a old friend of mine. Her name is Samantha but you can call her Sam for short. Oh hi Sam... she waved hello to me with a friendly smile on her face. She looked wonderful even with her white hair. Her skin was a lovely dark brown as well. But something threw me off about her. She had one deep black eye and a normal brown eye.

After some time in quietness the doctor said that we can go see Travis one at a time and I decided on that I'll go first. When I walked in there it reminded me of when I was in the hospital myself. When Travis slowly got up from his slight sleep. I ran over to him with tears running down my face.

Travis... why?
I-I don't know sal I'm sorry...
It's ok trav as long your with me this wouldn't happen again I can promise u that.
Well sal... thx for being there for me. I really appreciate it really.
I then smiled under my mask and walked out of the room.

Travis's pov: I don't know why I've decided on doing that terrible thing to me? *sigh* and then a weird lady came in the room. I was kinda scared because I didn't know who she even was but then it turned out to be my moms friend. She looked kinda odd but I didn't mind much but the weird thing about her that she had a black eye and a normal brown eye.


We just talked for a bit till she left the room. Then my mom came in. My mom was bursting into tears when she ran over to me. She just kept crying but she knew that i was ok and well. I gave her a hug along with that. She never knew her own son would try and taker her own life. Travis... your farther is gone now you can now live your life like a normal teenager. I began to cry in disbelief that dad was gone. My mom then left the room and I was just there in quietness.

Travis's mom pov: when I was done visiting my son me and my friend needed to do some "important business" me and her walked out of the hospital and went to my car.

So sam you've done a good job knocking my husband out.
     Well thanks Jess!
So where r u taking him?
     Oh well he's going to be with me for a while.
Oh but I wanna use him at my sons wedding you know for hurting reasons.
    Oh ok that's fine by my ass. You want him alive or dead?
Alive... i want my son to hear his screams and crys of him.
    Ok girl. Well I'll see u later ;)
See u later too girl!

I then walked back to my car and drove off that hellbent fuck face will pay for what he's done to me and my wonderful son...

K so uh it's almost the end of the story im very happy for the wonderful readers that read this book well. Thx for the lovely reads :)

Word count:716

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