The lies that i told to my lover

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A/N hello there everyone thx for the nice comments on the chapters and now here's chapter 6 yall. Also this part of the story contains
Self harming
You have been warned...

Sals pov: I walked out of the boys restroom after kissing Travis on the forehead. I think he liked the kiss tho he didn't say anything rude or insult me he just stayed there.

Well I think he deserves it he's hurting himself and I'll try my very best to help him with these terrible things. I kinda liked it when I kissed his forehead.

When I walked to my class I couldn't get my mind off of Travis... what if he hurts himself again. What if he overdosed on those pills that he had. I felt my heart beat like someone beating a drum. Travis has to be ok. Travis needs to stop what's he doing. He needs help and I would be the one to help him and mark my words... he will be getting the help he

3rd person view: Ah yes the 2nd best time of the day for any kid in school lunch time. As sal and all of the other kids walked out of the class he then saw Travis (aka the same god damn boy that he kissed on the forehead in the boys restroom)

Kinda fruity if you ask me. Now let's continue the story folks. Sal walked up to Travis asking if he could sit with him at lunch today. Travis's face felt like it could turn a bright red and by surprise he shock his head yes and walked their ways to the lunch hall.

While sal and Travis walked to the lunch hall sal told Travis to get his lunch and wait for his table. Sal walked up to his casual table and told his friends that he would be sitting with Travis today.

His table was filled with confused and concerned faces. They didn't trust Travis even with his bully. But they just thought it might be okay for his to sit with Travis but still wanted to make sure he'll be ok. They said ok and sal went to the table with Travis as they talked and even some laughs came from that table that was the only time Travis was really happy at lunchtime. Even with the boy he loved.

Then the bell rang and went to their classes. Before sal left he Travis he gave Travis a nice and tight hug. Travis lightly blushed and gave him a hug back. As he waved goodbye to sal he ran to his class to his class and his day went from there.

Travis's pov: it was around 2:45 aka the time to leave the school and go... "Home" I never liked to go home even with such a bad dad I have.
I hated him and mom did too but we didn't even know what to do. I know he might hurt me and mom if we left him.

As I waited for my bus I saw sal with me as well he was just beside me and it looks like he was writing something but I kinda didn't want to interfere with what he was doing to I just stood by him in silence. He looked so cute and I didn't know why.

Then the bus came and sal and I came on the bus and we just went on different seats even though we saw each other and waved I knew he didn't want me to see what he was doing so he just stayed by himself on the bus.

The bus then stopped when I lived and I walked out of the bus. I stood there in fear knowing what would happen if I walked in. But I had to so I walked in there and walked in the house. I could hear the yells and crys of my mom that was being beating up by my dad and I had to walk quietly but unfortunately. I failed he picked me up by my neck and threw me on the floor and stomped on my face over and over again.

Tears was streaming down my face and blood as well. Farther then got me up and threw me to the wall I fell then I ran to my room to my room and locked my door my dad was banging on my door and then stopped. And just went quite and just stopped. I just laid their on the cold wooden floor with the scars and bruises on my body and face and then I grabbed my book bag and took out my blade.


Sal told me not to do these things anymore... I-I'm sorry sal. Forgive me sal. I unwrapped my bandages and slitted all over my body it was bloody. And just covered in scars I took out some bandages and toilet paper and wrapped myself up to hide my scars.

I'm sorry sal....

Hopefully you liked this part of the story y'all :)

Word count:865



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