The scars on my arms

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Warning this part of the book will have self harm in it
Travis's pov: when I got off of the bus and went
my separate ways with sal I rushed into the bathroom and splashed cold water on my face.

WHY ARE YOU LIKE THIS?! I screamed into the mirror. Why am I having fellings for a boy -I

Is this a way boy should feel?

I was just standing their into the mirror like I saw a ghost. This... This can't be possible! This can't be?! I said quietly said under my breath.

Well... I mean sal's kinda cute even tho I haven't really seen his actual face but it's not just because of his looks. It's that....

He can look however he wants and nobody not even his family would have a issue with it. It's that he has the courage to even look like that without his dad insulting him if he ever want to wear it.

That's why I love that boy. His courage , looks, smarts, and overall how dreamy his eyes are. But I always wonder something about that boy....

Why does he have to wear that mask all the time. There's nothing wrong with the thing it's something I wanna know.

Well... I'll just try to find out one of these days that's for sure.

The bell rang and then I took some paper towels and patted my face dry and ran to my class.

Sal's pov: as I separated from Travis I went to my locker so I can get the stuff that I needed for my class. As I closed the locker I saw Larry he looked pretty glad to see me.


Oh sorry Larry I just wanted to be early so I left without you as went in the bus. Oh ok sal but make sure you don't leave like that again k? Larry said

I promise Larry.

Larry's a cool dude but overprotective at times. I sometimes don't mind but it's kinda annoying.

As I was walking in the halls I saw Travis. He usually said some mean insults and be in his way but I believe today was different. He just passed me not even saying a word. I didn't know why he was acting like this but I think he wants to be less of a dick and that's pretty nice of him not going to lie.

But something was.... off i could see a bandage on his arm that looks like it could unravel any second now.

Hey Travis I said tapping his shoulder. Yeah? Travis said. You got a bandage hanging from your arm do you want me to take it off? Travis ran away from me to fix it himself but I wasn't much of a eavesdropping so I didn't bother of seeing what was wrong I thought he'll be ok by himself.

Travis's pov: when sal told be one of my bandages were hanging out I ran as fast as I can to the restroom and locked one of the stalls.

Oh shit! I said quietly so no one could hear me. I unraveled it and there I saw the scars from my self harming. I didn't know what to do to take stress off of my plate so this was something I did the more upset I am.... deeper the blade. I think it's a thing that hurts nobody else but me.

I tied it up very tight so this would not happen again. I hurried to my class so I won't be late and continued with my day.

Well y'all I hope y'all like this chapter of the book. Hope y'all liked it.

Word count:623

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