The bus stop

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Travis's pov: It just started to rain. GREAT! I said sighing and then the rain stopped I could tell that is was raining but then I saw someone holding a umbrella for me when I looked to the side I saw the one and only...

Sal fucking fisher.

I was confused but I was also just speechless at this point.I then waved to him he waved back as well.

At this point I was just so flattered by that boy. To his lovely blue hair, his blue eyes that you would see through his mask and his his sense of fashion.

I know if I ever wore that my father would kill me that's for sure.

So uh sal... I was wondering something.

Yes? He said

Why are you here at the bus stop I thought I was the only one here?

Well... I usually see you when I'm driving with Larry and you look sad so I just decided on taking the bust today just to see you.

At this point I didn't know what to say he was making sure if I was ok... that's kinda nice for him damn that boy has a heart of gold.

Well thanks sal I appreciate it. i said with a smile on my face

Your welcome trav.

Then after some time passed the bus finally came we both got on and we just talked until we arrived at the school and went our separate ways.

I ran into the restrooms and I turned on the sink and splashed water on my face.

WHY ARE  YOU LIKE THIS?! I screamed into the mirror. Why am I having fellings for a boy -I

Is this  a way boy should feel?

Next chapter soon

Word count:293

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