☦︎︎❦First kiss❦☦︎︎

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Tw this part of the book contains
Slight talk about self harm
If you're sensitive to any of those topics don't read it :)

Sal pov: I was just walking around doing nothing till I saw a house that was a dark brown color and looked something you'll see in those one horror movies that have the house in the woods. And it turned out to be Travis's house. It was weird but I wanted to know if he was awake or is even at home. I walked to the side of the house where I can guess it was Travis's window and he did open it.

Hi Travis!
Hi sal...
Your house is creepy ngl
Shut up You coming in or not?
Yeah hang on church boy
Fuck you....

As I walked in his room through the window it was a weird room actually there was some crosses some places and a dresser. So this is your room Travis kinda lame. Oh shut up sal Travis said. Well wanna talk? About what? Travis said in confusion. Your self harming and those pills. Oh... ok ig Travis said in a worrisome voice.
I was talking to him about the self harming and his pill taking he has been doing and I kinda enjoyed it we just talked about his self harming and those pills and other things. Well Travis you don't have to do these things you can talk to me well if u want to I said with a smile.

Well thanks sal I actually enjoyed this talk actually said Travis. But sal can I see your face I wanna know what it looks like. Well if u don't want me to- sure you can see it I guess. I unclipped my straps and put my mask on his bed. All of the scars, bruises and my glass eye just unveiled to him. He looked surprised at what my face looked like he actually didn't mind how It looked like. It looks cool sal. It kinda looks cute actually. I blushed slightly at him saying that. T-thanks Travis I said.

I knew what I had to do. I leaned over close to Travis's face, my heart was just pounding but I loved him and I cared for him. I then kissed him. And by surprise he kissed me back. When we was done i whispered in his ear 'I love you trav.' 'I love you too sal' I stood up and put my mask back on. Well bey Travis see you at school. See you too sal Travis waved goodbye to me and I waved goodbye back. I jumped out of the window and walked to Addison's apartment.

Travis's pov: w-wow sal kissed me... SAL FISHER KISSED ME?!? I was overwhelmed with so much joy and happiness. The boy I loved liked me back well I gotta make sure farther doesn't find this out... but overall I'm so excited to go to school and see sal. I then got my journal and wrote in it.

•journal entry #22•
Hi again me again Travis yes it's the second time today kinda rare. Sal came over he was talking to me about my self harming and pill usage and just giving me a talk about it and just said that I could talk to him about anything (what A nice boy) But also today sal fisher (aka the boy I loved) kissed me today!!! XD I'm so happy and just overwhelmed with joy from that kiss. He's so cute why tho?!? Anyways I can't let farther find out. BUT because sal's name kinda sounds like a girl name I bet I could lie to my dad and tell that I'm dating sal (but as a girl) idk if this would work but it's worth a shot right? My farther would kick me out if I was dating a boy but what he doesn't know don't hurt him right? But bey journal I'll write in u later ig...

I decided on texting dad about this but not make sal a bit tho yk.

      Yes son?
I'm dating someone :)
Sal fisher.
     I'm proud of you boy! Your not one of those          gay people.
      Will she come over?
Umm how about on Saturday?
      Perfect! I see her then!
Ok dad!
       Im very excited to see your gf Travis.
Im excited for u to see her as well.

Phew! He didn't think sal's a girl. That's a relief. I wonder if he'll stop doing the abuse if Im dating a girl? If he does then I'll be happy with that! Im excited for him to see sal I hope he doesn't ask weird questions. Overall I'm over joyed today! I'll have to have a plan to leave when he does find out is a guy.... I GOT IT! I'll ask him for cash for sal and me to get things and on dates but in reality I'll be saving it and put it somewhere secret so he won't find out. This plan has to work ig.... I hope it does tho.

Hi y'all and this is the end of chapter 12 of this book well chapter 10 with all of things happening to the characters in the book. But anyways I hope y'all enjoyed this book as always :)
Word count:893

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