Introduction to the family

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•it's Saturday now because I said so bozos•

Sal's pic: it was Saturday also the day Travis's dad is going to see me. I decided on texting Larry real quick

Hey Larry!
Yeah sal, ready for tonight?
Yeah but I just remembered I had to do something with Travis but don't worry! I would be back before it's night.
Ok sal make sure your not late.
Ok I won't Larry see u soon!
See u soon too sal

I got up ran to my dresser and I didn't even know what to wear so I decided on wearing a long (but not touching the floor type of dress) and some ripped stocking and to top it all of a necklace it's cute so I decided on wearing it. Hopefully Travis's dad don't mind how I look.
I ran to where I remembered Travis's house was at and I knocked on the door. The door slightly opened and there was Travis. Travis dragged me inside telling me to act somewhat girly so his dad won't find out I was a boy. I said yes and walked up the long stairs to the kitchen I believe.

I then went in there to see Travis's dad and mom. Oh it's so nice to see u sal! His dad said with joy in his voice. Well nice to see you too sir. So how did u meet my son in the first place? Oh well you know love at first sight you know. Oh ok! Well meet my wonderful wife Jessica Phelps. She kinda looked like my mom a bit with her hair and how she kinda looked but not with the glasses or freckles but she was so weirdly close to what my mom looked like. Hi Jessica Phelps. Oh hi there sal. Oh look at u your pretty as a doll sal. Oh thx for the compliment Travis's mom. But sal why do u have that mask on your face?L Travis's mom said with confusion in her voice.

Oh well it's something that happened when I was younger but I rather not prefer to tell you guys. Oh I'm sorry I didn't know sal. I-it's ok Jessica really! Well sal your perfect for my son I see.hey! why don't my wife take you too out to the mall to we'll have fun you know? Oh that's nice sir! Wonderful how about next Saturday you know? Ok that's good well i got to leave oh Travis. I unclipped my mask and kissed him on the cheek and clipped it back and gone out do the door.

Travis's pov: phew farther didn't find out. That's a relief. My dad pay me on the back telling me how I didn't turn into one of those gay people that he sees. Yeah... not gay. I gone to my room and closed the door behind me and blushed heavily at sal kissing me on his way out. Oh sal..... why do u gotta be so cute sometimes? A lovely boy. And a cute kisser as well.

Done with this chapter guys more chapters coming :D

Word count:524

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