🌸School daze 🌸

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Travis's pov: at last it was morning and the day to meet my bf. I jumped out of bed but still the sharp pain up my spine from you know who... well it might stop I hope. I walked to to my dresser and got out a different outfit today. I got a baby blue sweater and semi dark brown pants followed along with some black shoes.

I do kinda look cool ngl. I got my bookbag and ran to the kitchen. I saw dad but not mom weird she was always in the kitchen. Hey dad! Oh hi there travis I'm excited to see your little girl friend this Saturday. Oh I'm excited for u to see her too dad but where's mom at? Oh she's just at the store she'll be home shortly tho. So run along Trav you don't wanna be late. Ok dad bey dad! I waved and ran out of the door. And continued to walk to school to see sal. I'm just so happy to see his face today.

As I walked to school I saw sal and his friends they were so cool together and I enjoyed that. Sal then ran up to me and pulled my over to his friend group. He just introduced me to his friends that I was a new friend of his and I was just scared I didn't know if they would accept me as a friend of sal's. But surprisingly they were just kinda inviting then annoyed to see me. They looked kinda worried of me being sal's friend after all of what I've done to them but they were just kinda surprised that sal was able to even befriend me. Larry leaned over to my ear and said that if I tried to take sal's niceness for granted then he'll kill me on the spot. I nervously shoke my head.

As the bell rang I ran inside the school building and just went my day as usual.

Travis's mom pov: as I got the groceries I gone to my old friends house. It was a cool vintage White House but kinda damaged mainly the windows but I didn't mind. I knocked on the door and she came out of the house. Her king white hair blew in the breeze.

Hi Jessica come on in!
I walked inside of the house. I always forget how big the house it was almost like a fancy palace only royal people could have.
Follow me Jess
I walked into her room with the voodoo of my husband look exactly liked him.
Here u go.
Thanks ********
Yw come over soon girl.
Yeah yeah I will see ya til then.

I walked out of the house and closed the door behind me. I was happy that my husband or anybody found this out. He knows what he deserves he just needs to be....

Put in his place.

Travis's pov: at last lunchtime it's cool ngl. I walked with Sal's friend group to their lunch table. When we got our lunches we just kinda we'll chatted a bit it's nice to have friends even tho their kinda weird. But you know it's ok. So sal is ti ood that u befriended Travis? Ash said with confusion in her voice. Oh that! Well I thought of just well talking to him about some things and then we basically became friends. Oh ok! Ash said. So sal you down for movie night on Saturday. Oh yeah Larry! The bell than rang and I walked to my class and continued the rest of the day.

•End of the day•
At last the end of the day I saw sal but without his friends so I ran to him.
Hi sal.
Oh hi Travis what's up.
Well my dad wants me to introduce you to him this Saturday.
Oh ok! At what time.
Well I'm as kinda thinking somewhere 1-2 pm you know so I won't miss your movie night with Larry.
Oh cool! I'll just tell Larry that I got something planned with me and u and arrive soon ok?
Ight! Bey sal see u Saturday!
Ight trav.

Well this is the end of this chapter more chapters will be coming as well!

Word count:714

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