Voodoo doll

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Warning this part of the book contains
Voodoo ig?
Self harm
You've been warned...

Sals pov: as I woke up from my slumber I stood up and walked over to my dresser and picked out some clothes for today. I thought it would be ok if I just wore my hair down for today. I got my book bag and put on my shoes got out of my room, grabbed the apartment key and
headed out of the door.

I decided on going down to Larry's place to see if he was ready yet. I gone down to the elevator and went to the "basement" to see Larry. And by my surprise he was already ready he was just chilling in the floor.

Hey Larry.
Hey bud Larry said
We should get going Larry we don't wanna be late.
K sal. Larry said.

We decided on walking to school today just because it was only like 10-14 minutes away. We just talked a bit and then Larry brought up yesterday with Travis.

So sal... why did you sit with Travis yesterday? Larry said with confusion in his voice. Oh that well I just thought it would be ok if I sat with him. I just think he would change for the better if he had a friend or two you know. Well... I guess that was a good thing of you sal but if he takes your kindness for granted I'll blow his brains out.

He won't I know he'll change Larry. Seemed like Larry was chill with me and Travis being friends but I know he wouldn't take that for granted that's for sure. We then saw ash and Todd walking so they came with us and we just talked for a while till we went to school. When we arrived at school it was like 7-30 ish so we just decided to talk at the front of the school till it was 7-51 that's when we had our classes.

As the bell rang we all ran to our lockers and got our stuff and gone to our classes. When I was in class I couldn't think but knowing Travis might not be ok... he's hurting his self and taking pills for something. I saw him in the restroom the other day doing it. I just hope he's doing ok. I want him to be ok. He needs to be ok.

I love him and I would anything to make Travis happy. And feel loved...

Travis's pov: I was laying in my bed with the many bruises everywhere on my body and the slits throughout my body from my blade. I know sal not to hurt yourself aging but I can't stop. It helps me at times like this. I'm so sorry sal fisher.

I heard a knock on my door and it slightly opened only to see my mom standing there in horror. My mom was the only person besides from sal I could talk to things about. I never understood why my farther had to do this to us in the first place. She walked over to me giving my a hug while silencely saying "I'm sorry my son... you should have to go through this" she stood up giving me a kiss in the cheek and leaving the room closing my door.

Travis's mom pov: my poor son with bruises all over his fragile body and blood stains on the floor. My husband shouldn't do this to my son or me. Ive cared for him for far too long. He deserves to be killed and burned in hell. I got my phone and made a call to a old friend of mine in high school.

Hi there ********
Oh hi Jessica how are you today.
Oh not that good...
Let me guess your husband?
Yeah he almost beated my son to death.
I know so I need something from you ok?
Like what?
A little voodoo doll thing of my husband.
Oh ok I can hook you right up with it in a couple of days ok?
Ok that's good...
Well see you soon girl.
See you soon too.
*hangs up*

My husband would pay for his evil doings to this family... not even god can save his ass.
Hope he has a fun time burning in hell.

This chapter was very fun to make not gonna lie but also hope you enjoyed this book!

Word count:751

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