The day at the mall

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3rd person pov: sal and Travis became more close and soon had the guts to tell sal's friend group and they were pretty acceptable to sal's and Travis's relationship. But would Travis's dad find out that sal is a boy tho..... well read Thai thing to find out!

Sal's pov: it was next Saturday and was going to the mall with Travis and his mother as well. She was a very nice lady really. But she sometimes reminds me of my own mother sometimes. I miss u mom.... Anyways I gone to my dresser and got a dark blue sweater and along with her black pants and shoes. I then ran to Travis's house to see that him and his mom was in the drive way waiting for my ass and then I ran in the car. I just kinda talked to Travis the entire time basically till we got there.

At last after some time we was there at the mall. We then got out of the car and went into the big huge mall. There was so much to do and I decided on getting some clothes with Travis. His mom decided on being behind and just go somewhere else t check out some other things. I grabbed Travis by the arm and dragged him to some places with clothes at and picked some out.

So sal what r u getting?
Oh just this dress, why?
Well farther said that dresses were for girls and only girls.
Oh well I don't think so. In fact I don't mind about these dumb gender roles so I wear what I fell makes me well... nice why don't u do that for once in your life trav?
Umm... ok ig sal.
I told Travis to pick out some dresses and he found a nice purple one it was kinda cute actually!

After me and Travis were done picking clothes we decided to call Travis's mom. She was in the food court so we just went their. As we ate Travis said something that I was kinda scared about actually.

Travis's pov: as we were eating I was going to come out to my mom. M-mom? Yes son. Well sal isn't a girl and well I'm gay. Oh sweet heart I'll live u no matter what. So don't worry I won't tell dad. Oh well thanks mom actually. Your welcome son.

3rd person pov: it was 7pm and they were going to leave the big mall and return home. As they we're driving it was kinda peaceful and then when Travis's mom stopped by the house sal jumped out of the car and walked off.

Travis's pov: I was so happy that I was with sal and then my mom told me if dad ever kicked me out of the house then she'll give me some money for a apartment building. I thanked her so much for what she said and then we gone out do the car and walked inside. Dad was asleep on the couch so we didn't disturb him so I just got my bags and fell to sleep.

My hand hurts like hell from these but idc so this is the end of this chapter

Word count:542

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