Farther found out my sinful secret

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Tw this book contains
Sals pov: when Travis hung up the phone I knew he was lying to me... why did he lie to me like that he knows that I'm trusted with these types of things. I'll talk to him about it at school tomorrow now it's getting kinda late. I'll be going to sleep night readers lol.

3rd person pov: as the sun was rising both boys got up and gotten ready to see each other... but was it going to be the last time? Who knows... maybe or maybe not. Hey who actually knows we'll only my ass but that's besides the point let's continue shall we? ;)

Sal's pov:
As I walked to school I saw my friends and then I saw Travis but he didn't look happy like he did instead he looked sad. Lately he has been happy so what happened to him? As the bell rang I ran to me and my friends classes and just did our usual day at school.

Travis's dad pov:I decided on cleaning Travis's room and then I stumbled apond a weird book as I read the book I could just see sins in the pages GAY?! Not a son of mines I'll talk to him about this sinful book. Ugh! A gay under my roof.

•End of the day bc I'm lazy as hell•

3rd person pov: ah yes finally the end of the day on this Monday. As sal saw Travis he stilled looked sad so he came and tried to cheer him up but sadly that didn't work and then Travis walked home.

Travis's pov: finally home I just wanna relax for a bit my head is killing me a bit. As I opened the door I could see my dad holding my book with all of my secrets in.

So Travis why did u lie to me?
I had no response.

My dad then grabbed me from the neck and almost chocked me to death. He then threw me in the hard floor that didn't turn to flowers instead he stomped and punched me so badly I was bleeding almost everywhere. I was able to get up and run to my room followed along by my very upset dad.

As I locked the door he kept on banging on it but then he stopped. I was a bloody crying mess I didn't like how I looked but then the same voice in my head said to "end it all" I wanted to call sal on last time till I said goodbye to this earth.

Hi sal...
Hi trav! What's wrong?
Oh well sal. *sigh* im leaving sal...
Oh when r u coming back?
Never sal...
I'm sorry sal but I have to... if you were in my shoes then u would understand my issues.

*hangs up*

I'm sorry sal I said with a tear stream down my face. I then sended mom one last message *I love u mother* I then took out my blade and was about to stab my self till I heard a bang against the window glass as I opened the curtains it was sal. He was begging for him to get in but I didn't let him in. I then rose my blade and stabbed myself right in front of sal's eyes.... goodbye sal my love...

Sal's pov:T-travis just died in front of my eyes. HES NOT GOING TO FUCKING DIE IN ME LIKE THAT!! I then broke the glass window getting Travis and running so I can get help..

He wasn't going to die in me... not like this...

I fucking cried while I was writing of this shit but it's good but also next chapter coming now!

Word count:645

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