Healing kiss

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Warning this part of the book will contain
And self harm
You've been warned

Travis's pov: when i in the restroom taking my pills and my arms bloody and hurting I then saw from the corner of my eye... it was


Sal fisher...

I was shocked and ran into a stall and locked it ashamed of my self with tears in my eyes. Sal was knocking on the stall door. Travis can I come in? Sal said quietly. I standed up and unlocked the door. Sal walked up to me and rolled up my sleeves and saw the bloody cuts on my arms and wrapped them up. He looked sad a gave me a hug with tears in his eyes.

Why Travis... sal said with sadness in his voice.

I- i just need to get stress off of my plate and this is how I do it.

Well travis... you shouldn't have to do this even if it's just for stress. You know travis you can always come to me. If you need help or just need someone to talk to. Come to me. Sal said

I was just so happy I can talk to the boy that I have feelings for. I cried into his shoulder and he hugged me back. Sal lifted my head and made me stare into his eyes. Promise you won't do these harmful things for stress reduction. I promise sal. When the bell rang for the next class sal clipped his mask just to see his mouth and kissed my forehead and clipped it back and left for his class.

As he left I could feel my face turn bright red and even felt like It was heating up. I was a blushing mess at this point. My heart felt like it was going to jump out of my chest. Well... this will have to be a secret even farther can't find this dirty secret out.

Hope y'all liked this story chapter 6 will be out soon up I promise

Word count:341

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