Part 2: A Caged beauty

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This beautiful cover is gifted by an amazing friend the_flawed_girl ❤☺

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This beautiful cover is gifted by an amazing friend the_flawed_girl ❤☺.

This is beautiful dear. I really appreciate your efforts.😍❤

I am overwhelmed ☺☺.

Thank you so much for this🤗.

I dedicate this chapter to you 🥰.


The watch lifted itself in the air and started revolving around mahir.

A very strong red beam came out of it making everything too bright for the human eye to see anything.

"Nooo" Mahir got up sweating heavily with a panicked face. He checked around to find the watch kept on the table where he kept it before sleeping.

He clearly looked frightened.

"It was just a dream. It was just a dream " He kept chanting the same line like a mantra.

Wiping the sweat beads from his forehead he tried to grab the glass of water from the side table but ended up spilling it on the floor. He got up up from the bed cursing himself under his breath.

He went down stairs with very careful, slow steps but guess what

Yes he tripped again on the last stair.

Ajitabh, who was watching mahir since he kept his first step on the stairs, face palmed.
He exhaled audibly and went to help mahir.

"Panauti" [Bad Omen] mahir muttered under his breath, unfortunately for him ajitabh heard it, he immediately left him making him fall down again.

Mahir cursed him loudly but he just shrugged it off raising a cocky -brow at him.

"Say sorry" Ajitabh demanded folding his arms across his chest.

"Go to dustbin" Mahir huffed in annoyance.

"Dustbin lover dog seghal" Ajitabh scoffed at him and went away moving his ass left and right .

Mahir got up from his beloved floor and marched towards the kitchen to get a glass of water.

He went out in the garden area to relax himself. He sat near the swimming pool and his dream resurfaced before him.

It seemed like a historic Place. There were majestic chairs and tables.the walls looked magnificent with crystals embedded in it.Huge chandeliers and carpets screamed royalty. The floor was so clean that it could be used as a mirror.
He kept on moving forward, exploring the piece of art wondering if they were made in heaven.

He was so lost in exploring that he didn't noticed a fragile vase in his way. He stumbled upon it . The fascinating vase fell down but surprisingly neither it made a sound nor did it broke. Sighing in relief ,he kept the vase straight.

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