Part 29:- Stop thinking about him Bela

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She was nervous being caged in my arms and then the offer was cherry on top. Although I want her as my wife, seeing the situation, girlfriend was fine.

"Please tell your husband that we are just acting so that he does not end up kicking and punching me when he learns of this act" I voiced out concerned.

To hell with the concern, I just wanted to know if she is married or not.

"Okay sir" She said blankly.

Okay? Wait! She is married?

"You are married? " Shock was clearly evident on my face.

"Umm... No " And finally I breathed in relief.

"Do you have a boyfriend or a fiance? " I asked curiously.

"No sir, but how does.... "

"Listen, Bela... " I cut her off but the irritating girl cut me off.

"Hottieeeee! What happened? And why the door is locked" She banged my room door.

"Act on " I whispered to Bela to which she nodded.

Pulling Bela a little closer by her waist, I asked "comfortable? ". She nodded again.

I opened the door irritatingly, which I was really, "what? "

"Hottiee... I... " And then she saw Bela close to me.

I acted of trying to hide Bela by closing the door slightly, I looked at the girl again. She was shocked looking at us.

"Speak fastly I want to spend some quality time with my girlfriend" I rolled my eyes at her.

"G... G... Girlfriend? " Her jaw hung low to the floor.

"Of course. You are acting as if you didn't know " I stated in the most obvious tone.

"But she assumed me to be your girlfriend some time back " She cried frustratingly.

"She assumed nothing. She was just angry with me and it was a taunt for me. Right, Bela? " I smiled sweetly at Bela.
She hesitantly reciprocated my smile and nodded.

"Now can we have some alone time please" I closed the door in spite of her protests.

"See that was easy " I grinned at Bela. She just smiled.

For the past ten minutes, she was either smiling or nodding and it was annoying me.

"Bela say something"

"I don't have anything to say, Sir "

"Can I go back to my work? " She added and this time I nodded.


It created tingles in my stomach when he pulled me closer to him. His strong fragrance occupied my senses. My heart was beating as if it will come out of my body anytime. I could feel the heat of his body. My mouth dried up, words refused to come out.
And when he smiled looking at me oh god! His face was very close to mine. His killer smile sent shivers down my spine. I was seconds away from blacking out but thankfully he started talking to the girl.
I never thought that careless use of my mouth would land me in being my client's fake girlfriend.

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