Part 35:- Her Feelings💘

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It had been two weeks since we became friends.

And honestly, friendship with him was beautiful. Upon asking, he told me that he loves someone but he never got the courage to tell her this.

He told me that, his parents knew him being in love with someone, and because of the drama they thought I was that girl.

Well, I just want to see that lucky girl for whom Mahir Ji has fallen so hard.

"Bela, when will this get over? " He whined asking me for the nth time. he was desperately waiting to get his room renovated.
First he himself decided that his room will be the last to get renovated and when I was doing work in other rooms, he whined like a five-year-old to finish it off soon.

I glared at him, getting the message he instantly shut his mouth and sat in the corner.


Dressed in a navy blue three-piece suit with his hair perfectly jelled back, he didn't look any less than a movie hero. Whom was I kidding? He even looks ravishing without clothes.
Wait! I... I... I meant he looks good even in his pajamas.

God! Bela, you have lost it. The day I have started to spend my time with him, my mind is filled with shit. Especially about him.

Well, he completed all his office work in the morning itself and then he was back, of course for offering his help. He didn't even change his clothes, directly barged in our working site.

I saw one of my teammates was trying hard to carry a carton, it looked heavy but before I could go and help her I saw Mahir Ji already running and carrying the carton from the other side.

He took off his blazer and the shirt sleeves were rolled up, I could see his veins popping out. Oh damn! He is hot!

Stop! Stop! Stop! What are you even thinking Bela? Bad manners! He is your friend. We don't think rubbish about friends. Moreover, he already loves someone. Behave! You stupid eyes. Don't make him look hot okay?.

He walked straight to me, wrapping his arm around my shoulder, he casually started talking. As if his body on display in his tight-fitted shirt was not enough that now his musk cologne started playing with my senses. He pointed his finger somewhere but I was more focused on his pink lips which were moving smoothly. My heart started thumping when I realized our close proximity. He was making me go crazy.

It's not right Bela! He loves someone else. My mind screamed at me.

I know I was attracted to him, I thought it will just pass away with time but it was only getting stronger.
Maybe if I will stay a little away from him, the stupid attraction will start to fade away. It's just that I was spending a lot of time with him for the last two weeks. Back off Bela before it gets hard. I have a lot to achieve right now. Focus on your work Bela! Just focus.

"Bela" He shook me and that's when I realized I zoned out.

"Yeah! Yeah! That's good" I nervously smiled at him.

"Are you fine? " He asked concerned.

"I think I need some fresh air. I will just come" I quickly ran out of the room to the garden.

My growing attraction for him would kill our beautiful friendship. After years, I have got someone to share my words with I can't lose him like that. What he will think of me if he gets to know that I have wrong feelings towards him? He will hate me right? He will regret his friendship with me. He won't even talk to me. I would mess it all if I let this brewing feeling rise. I need to just cut off a little with him. I am getting too much involved in him. We both need space. That's it.

I took a deep breath to calm myself. I was ready to go inside

I was slowly walking towards the entrance when I saw that a rope slipped from one of the worker's hands. It was a new bed that was not able to be transported through the narrow entrance that was why they were pulling it up through rope. Mahir Ji was standing right below it, talking to someone.

"Mahir Ji" I screamed, I quickly ran to him, pulling him other side. Just then the bed fell and scattered into wood planks.

I was breathing heavily, I was sweating. Only one thought was running throughout what if something had happened to him? What if...No Bela he was safe. Safe!

"Bela" He cupped my cheeks and I couldn't hold it back. "Mahir Ji" I threw my arms around him, squeezing him in my arms, feeling that he was safe. For that moment I didn't care what he would think of me, I just wanted to embrace him. I felt my breath knocking out seeing him just right below the heavy load. I was shit scared of the thought what if something happened to him? It sent horror down my spine. I may have spent very little time with him but he has surely become someone important.

"Calm down Bela! Relax! " I felt his lips on my forehead, I closed my eyes savoring the moment, stealing solace from his arms.

I looked up at him, "I was scared" I whispered subconsciously, "Don't be Sweetheart" He said wiping my tears.

"Look, I am more than fine! " he rubbed my back and I only snuggled into his chest.

~he loves someone else.

My brain again screamed.

For once, I wanted to be selfish. I wanted to feel the warmth of his arms, I wanted him to keep calming me like that but I knew that was not right.

I slowly withdrew my hands. He cupped my cheek again., "Don't worry! I am fine" He passed me his charming smile and I melted there again.
Please ignore grammatical mistakes.
(Didn't got time for editing, please do ignore mistakes)

GRACIOUS_164 ❤ It's one of my sweet readers who love Gracious very much, so she changed her username to Gracious. Even I was surprised and overwhelmed when I saw the Username 🤗❤❤. She did it about two months back.

Previously a few people misunderstood it as my other account so, no it's not my other account. I have only this account as of now.

The replies you get from her account are her own creativity ❤❤. Next time you get a reply from her then congratulations! You have received a reply from a squirrel🤭🤣.

Ab inhi se poocho kiske pass jaengi ( waise maine "mere saath raho Mahir ji jaise male squirrel doondh dungi" kehke pataya toh tha toh naam toh mera hi legi pakka😛😛)

And yeah! We are close to the end of this story❤.

Thanks for reading❤

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