Part 40:- A ring of love❤

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Mahir again drove in silence as the person sitting beside him was all red since that 'almost kiss' stunt he pulled on her

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Mahir again drove in silence as the person sitting beside him was all red since that 'almost kiss' stunt he pulled on her. She was shy to even look at him.
Sitting on his lap and kissing his cheeks was the end of her boldness but little did she know that Mahir Ji's boldness started from there.

She was still not able to form a word, she kept looking outside the window as if the trees were more handsome than her Mahir Ji. 

She was nervous and his glances every now and then were not helping either. She was fidgeting with her fingers in her lap. Mahir tried to hold her hand but she jerked away his hand being scared. While he was amused she looked scared with a scarlet face. She didn't expect this all of sudden. He again shifted his focus on driving and she calmed down.

Minutes later, he felt a warmth over his left hand, he looked at his hand to find Bela's small hand slowly covering his hand. His heart fluttered with love and excitement. He looked towards her to see her smiling looking at her lap. He smiled softly, pulling her hand closer to his mouth he kissed the back of her hand.

He put her hand on his chest above his heart as if asking his heart to calm down, telling his heart that finally, the owner came to rule it all over again.

Bela could feel the lingering kiss on the back of her hand, she could feel his love, his love that was making her feel bliss, making her feel solace. She was so flustered that she lost the courage to even look at him once.

Mahir kept driving with her hand in his till they reached her home. It pained him that now she would have to go. He wanted to stay longer with her, keep her protected in his arms till forever. He sighed in despair. He looked at their intertwined hands and then at her and again his heart screamed "I want to keep you to me till eternity".

Sadly he tried to let go of her hand when she tightened the hold, she looked at him with love, he was gone the second he saw love in her eyes for him. She locked her eyes with his, pulling his hand closer to her, she kissed the back of his hand. He closed his eyes feeling her soft lips. She didn't say a word but her eyes confessed it all. He was at peace.

She left glancing at him for the last time, he kept staring at her disappearing figure with longing.

He reached his home with a flushed face, smiling to himself. Andy and Sumi were surprised to see his pink cheeks and a toothy grin.
Andy rushed to check his temperature, "Sumi, call the doctor. He does not look fine " Andy acted like a melodrama queen.

Sumi rolled her eyes at Andy, "Mahir what happened? " She asked with little hope thinking Maybe it was really a misunderstanding and they both sorted it out.

"Yes"  He said and Andy's face lit up with joy. They understood what he wanted to convey. He played the song and pulled Sumi closer to him, matching his steps with the song. "Andy" Sumi blushed but he was just too happy to leave her without a dance.
Mahir too blushed looking at them but they pulled him and they three danced celebrating Mahir's happiness.
Listening to the music, Vish and Ajitabh came out of their room and joined them in the celebration.

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