Part 26: She is ❤

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Bela was left speechless, she didn't know what to say

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Bela was left speechless, she didn't know what to say. It was the first time she was listening to any such rule.

The time she was wondering about the rule, Mahir quickly jumped out of the car and held open the door for her. He knew if given more time, she will come up with some excuse like him but for not going to the ice cream parlor.

Having no other option, Bela came out of the car.

"N... N... Nice rule" She smiled at him.

He dragged her inside. Locating an isolated table in the extreme end of the room, he took her there.

He could see Bela being nervous. And then realization dawned upon him. He didn't ask if she wanted to come with him or not."Hey, don't get me wrong. I may seem overfriendly with you but trust me I mean no harm to you. I won't ever even touch you if you are uncomfortable. If you want we can go back. " He said anxiously. Yes, he wanted to spend time with her but not at the cost of her being uncomfortable.

I think I am being clingy to her, I know about 'us'  but she does not. I should control my excitement. I am just too overwhelmed to see her after a year. I know my nights were sleepless and days were totally engrossed in her thoughts but I can't put all my feelings upon her forcefully. She is being nice to me because I am her client and I should respect our professional relationship. I don't want to put up a wrong impression. What if she leaves work after getting annoyed with me? I must behave myself.

"Mr. Mahir " Bela shook him when he didn't listen to her after calling him several times.

"Yeah... Yeah! " Mahir looked at her carefully " You don't like it? Right? Let's me drop you at your office" He started to move towards the exit.
She held his hand. " Mr. Seghal why do you think I don't like ice cream? " She asked raising her eyebrows faking as if she is offended. He started at her blankly, she left his hand and moved to sit on the chair before saying "I like ice cream very much"

An instant smile made its way on Mahir's lips. Overjoyed, he quickly followed her like a lost puppy.

Yes, I felt quite uncomfortable as I thought we were moving away from our professional zone but this guy definitely has something which makes me wonder 'why do I agree to all his words'. I know I have just met him but I can feel his positive vibes. He may be over-excited but he is very sweet. He knows to respect someone's feelings.

Last night, I searched a little about Mahir Sehgal, as I heard of Seghal's huge Enterprise to my surprise, he happen to be the same Mahir Sehgal who joined as CEO last year only and in his presence, the company's sales almost doubled. I read how hardworking he is. It's not easy to almost double the sales in only a year of your joining. It does take a lot of effort. He must have worked very hard for it. Truly, an inspiring personality.
Somewhere I am not able to believe he is the same person. What a down-to-earth personality.

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