Chapter five

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She's always liked this. Peace. Just her and nature. In this instance it's the ocean. This is a place where no one can bother her, or she always hoped nobody does anyway.

She's always liked to keep to herself. In school, she was forever in the library reading a book. She opted to befriend books rather than socialise with anyone.

Although she grew out of not wanting to talk to people, her love for reading never faded. One day, she'll definitely write a book of her own.

There is a loud sound of the waves as they ran their cause and died near the edge.

She looks at the water that spreads over a thousand miles. She couldn't escape even if she wanted to. They are on a private island and there's only one way out. To take the chopper or Deontay's private jet. She can't fly any of them and convincing any of his men to fly her out of the place will only lead to one thing. Death.

She picks up a shell and she's yet reminded of how much she misses Claire. Whenever they'll go to the beach, they'll always look for beautiful seashells and take pictures of it.

Tears blur her eyesight, and she doesn't hold them in. Crying helps to ease the emotional pain. Pain of probably never seeing Claire again. Crying can be so soothing.

Juliet is consumed with regret for things she didn't do with her. She didn't get to spend much time with her. She feels like ripping her hair out, but she decides against it as soon as she hears the sound of a chopper nearing the island.

Mrs. Willow is back so soon.

Mentally praying for her not to get caught, she bolts to the house, but her feet come to a halt when she sees two guards at the door.

She feels like crying over again.

Juliet only thought of sneaking out not sneaking back in. There's only so much luck a person has.

She weighs her options.

1. She can try and sweet talk the guards not to mention a thing to anybody.

Sike, there are no options. There is only one.

She sees the chopper getting really close and she starts to panic.

She cannot risk getting caught. Deontay can never know that she went against his rule to never leave the mansion. Ever.

Adjusting her dress, she scrambles to the gate and spills out bullshit. At this point all she's doing is lying. 

"Please don't tell him nor Mrs. Willow I snuck out", she finally tells the truth and to the stoic men who are so darn scary. It's like they're muscles have muscles.

After pleading for another second, they let her through and one of the guards gives her a dangerous glance that shakes her to the core.

Sheesh. That's no way to glance at the boss's wife.

Ignoring the confused glances, she's getting from the guards that she passes, she finally reaches the French doors and tries to calm her racing heart.

To make it less suspicious, she heads to the room and takes a shower because she couldn't think of anything else to do.

Once she's done, she dresses up and heads to the kitchen because she heard the chopper land a few minutes ago. Her throat felt dry because she isn't the best at acting normal.

Luckily, Mrs. Willow seems to be clueless and that is enough to calm her down.

Juliet helps her prepare dinner. Once they're done, she and Mrs. Willow eat they're food and Juliet goes up the stairs to her bedroom.

She changes into a satin robe after doing her nighttime routine and she gets in to bed feeling so exhausted.

What a crazy day this was.

Her eyelids feel heavy, and she lets sleep consume her.
"Vedo che la mia principessa sta già dormendo ".
[ Translation: I see my princess is already sleeping].

My eyes shoot open upon hearing a voice. His voice.

No no no no.

He can't be back already. With the help of the moonlight, she could make out his beautifully sculpted face and she notices that he's wearing a suit that's almost hugging his body too tight and a few buttons are undone.

Her sleepiness was replaced by a ball of nerves and fear. He does that to her. Makes her nervous and brings fear whenever he's around her.

"H-hey, you're b-back", Juliet stutters and she mentally face palms herself for being so nervous.

"Yes, I'm back", he says his Italian accent so thick it makes her smile. Almost. She loves the Italian accent. "Lose the robe", he commands.


Emotions tightened her throat as she asked, "Excuse me?".

"I said lose the robe Juliet", he repeats huskily. A burning fury burning in his eyes. Lust lacing in his words.

Undoing the knot, she lets the robe fall.

Deontay's fixed gaze on her makes her feel uncomfortable and she tries to cover up as much as she can with her hands.

"Don't", he grits out.

In a heartbeat, Deontay's clothes are no longer on him.

He still seems on edge but he's doing well to control himself.

I wonder what's got him feeling on edge. He didn't find out, did he?
I doubt, I would've been a crying mess right now. 

He picks her up and gently lays her on the bed.

"I've missed you so much baby", he says trailing kisses all over her body.

She doesn't reply. She remains still because her mind still hasn't processed the fact that he's back. That he's being gentle. This has got to be a dream.

Positioning himself at her entrance, he pistols in her so hard she whimpers.

"I'm sorry baby, I got a bit excited there", he says between clenched teeth.

She can't believe he just apologized. Deontay never apologises.

They're love making continues until they're spent.

She rests her face on his chest and sleep consumes her once more.

"Wake up!", her eyes fluttered open at his voice.

His tone was no longer sweet.
Turning around, she faced an emotionless dark face.

"Now, who the fuck gave you permission to leave the house!"


Juliet is forever in trouble🥲. 

I'll update soon❤

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