Chapter eleven

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Bright lights pierce her eyelids making her groan. Turning her head to her side, she caught sight of the bottle of water on the nightstand.

It's then she realized how dry her throat was. It felt like someone scraped her throat with sandpaper and left her to die of thirst.

In less than a minute there was no trace of water in the bottle.

Shoving the blankets aside, she swung her feet over the bed placing them on the cold floor. And that's when the past events that had happened came rushing to her mind.


Deontay dragging her into their room.


She remembers being dizzy and the last thing she remembered was strong arms catching her before everything went dark.

How many more lives is going to be lost because of her?

She can't let that happen, ever again. If it means obeying Deontay, then she'll do just that.


But there is no way in hell she's going to reveal to him that she's pregnant.

She decides to take a shower and gets into a new pair of clothing.

Once she's looked into the mirror, satisfied with her look she heads downstairs.

She's starved.

Since Deontay wasn't in the room, she was really hoping she wasn't going to bump into him.

She lets out a sigh of relief when she reaches the kitchen without seeing him anywhere in sight.

She opened the refrigerator and spotted three slices of homemade pizza.

Mrs. Willow is the best cook in the world and she couldn't help but salivate.

Warming it up in the microwave, she notices a dark figure out of the corner of her eye.

That must be him. That's weird, why's he staring at her.

Once heated, she begins to demolish the delicious triangular shaped slices of dough.

Feeling satisfied, she was about to head back upstairs but then she decided against it and chose to watch Netflix for a few hours.

Nothing better than binge watching the movie Nobody. It's one of the dopest movies ever made.

Thirty minutes in, she feels herself feeling sleepy and although she wanted to watch some more, the stupid yawns wouldn't allow her.

Mybe it's because of the pregnancy but before, going up the stairs wouldn't have her feeling like she has just ran 10 laps.

Thinking back to Deontay's figure, its seems a bit off that he was staring at her from a distance. That alone had her halt at the door to their room.

She couldn't help the unsettling feeling deep in her gut.

Letting out a shaky breath, she entered the now dimly lit room.

Her eyes widened in panic when she saw his dark gaze trained on her.

He was sitted on the leather sofa, one leg over the other with a glass of rum fixed on his lips.

She pushed away the anxiety creeping in her bones and made an attempt to reach the bed.

"Ah-ah, you're going to stand right where you are tesoro. Let's have a little chat shall we." He spoke in such an intimidating voice it made her breath hitch in her throat. [Darling].

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