Chapter twenty- nine

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Still in first person*


"Deontay, I want to leave." I stated in the most audible voice I could muster. The fear was loud in her ears. How did it sound like in theirs?

Deontay, who's gaze was on Jared snapped to my direction, cutting me sharply.

He was shooting her a petrifying glare, a warning to keep the hell out of whatever is going to go down between the two.

I complied, not wanting to harm the baby in any way.

"Please enlighten me on how you're going to get rid of me, Jared." The way his name rolled if Deontay's name made it clear that he despised his brother and for whatever reason that was, it make me uncomfortable.

"You deserve to be deposited in the pits of hell you fucking bastard. She doesn't deserve you, fuck just look at her. She's not meant for this life." Jared snapped, his angry veins visible on his neck.

"She's mine, whether your stupid brain of yours agrees with it or not, that's your fucking problem."

The male testosterone was thick in the air, I wanted to say something, anything but I couldn't seem to form anything sensible to say.

They both won't even listen to me.

"You're so fucked up Deontay, let her go man. I've seen you, numerous times with that bitch from the brothel. Catherine right, isn't that the name of whore you've been messing around with?"

Juliet's heart sank.

"Don't listen to him Juliet, I don't know who the hell he's talking about." Deontay stated, his attention now aimed at me.

"Cut the bullshit you prick, I've got proof."

I wouldn't of believed Jared if it wasn't for the way he stood and spoke so confidently.

And by the way Deontay's eyes are begging for me to not believe him, I took that as confirmation.

Why did my life had to be such a train wreck?

I didn't even care to ask who Catherine was, I just stood there emotionless as Deontay shook me violently to get me to look at him.

I didn't have the energy to fight him.

Not once, not ever.

I needed to get away and fast.

"Let go." I said quietly.

As always, he didn't.

I gathered all my resentment, my hatred, my sadness and my pain and delivered the hardest slap I've ever slapped someone onto his cheek.

"I didn't fucking stutter." I for once used his words against him.

I walked away, making sure to roughly push Deontay away making him lose his footing but regained it right before he could fall.

I stopped right infront of Jared. If you look deeper into his eyes, that's when you see it.

His soul is just as dark as the rest.

"I don't know, nor do I care how you got that information. What I do care about is the fact that you foolishly think that I'll go from one bastard to another. Enjoy the rest of your evening, Jared." I spoke in the deadliest tone my broken self could.

Wanting to leave before my cheating asshole for a husband comes running after me I walk as fast as I could to get out of here.

I couldn't fight the feeling that someone was behind me when I made my way down.

The music hasn't stopped yet and there was still a great number of couples dancing, while those who love diabetes are still busy eating.

I turned sharply, wanting to confirm my suspicion.

"Kasey?", I asked surprised. I haven't seen her around.

"Hey Juliet, can you come help me real quick?"

She didn't look well, she had bags underneath her eyes and her hair looks a mess.

"Uuh sure." I amswered, skeptical of what she needs my help with.

I followed her, she was leading us to what looks like the restroom.

"Hey are you okay?" I asked because she looked kind of nervous.

"Why wouldn't I be?" She snapped, making me stop dead in my tracks. " I'm sorry, its just, I really need your help." She added.

Help with what exactly?

It took everything in me not to run back because I had a gut feeling that something unpleasant is about to happen.

She opened the door of the restroom, gesturing for me to enter first.

Know I really felt uneasy.

She followed suit and locked the door.

She locked the goddamn door.

"Hey why did you-" I was cut short by the knife Kasey pulled out.

"Now you listen to me you fucking bitch. If you scream, you die. If you move, you die. Nonetheless, you're dying anyway." She said through gritted teeth.

"Kasey?" I cautiously called out trying my hardest to stop my hands from shaking.

"Shut the fuck up Juliet. You don't know how long I've been waiting for this day. At first I wanted Deontay dead, but everyone knows that man whore is difficult to kill. So I thought, why not kill his precious wife instead. But, I was hesitant because he treats you like shit so he probably won't be affected by your death. But than again, I knew better. Deontay does in fact love you in his fucked up version of affection."

I couldn't take it anymore, I dropped to my knees and let the tears freely flow down my cheek.

Tonight was unbearable.

"If you want me dead, than just do it already. I'm tired Kasey. I fucking tired if this life, that revovles around pain and sadness. Just end it already. Deontay doesn't love me, no man who loves their significant other would ever think to sleep with another woman?" I said, not caring to wipe the tears that are slipping over my eyelids.

I really tried to be strong. But I can't take anymore of this endless torture.

"Deontay cheated on you?" She asked, sounding more like her anger submerged.

I looked up, wiping my eyes to see more clearer.

"Jared told me just a few minutes ago. They're at the balcony with Deontay, probably ripping their hearts out."

"You shouldn't believe everything that someone says. I know Jared, I also know him as a man who speaks total bullcrap whenever he opens his mouth." Kasey, who's still holding the knife in her hand exhaled deeply.

A new wave of strength washed over me.

I didn't plan on dying just yet.

"You need help Kasey, I can get you the best professional therapist out there to help you. Please just put down the knife would you, you're scaring me." She mentally slapped herself for saying that out loud.

"I don't need anyone's help, much less a therapist. I want you dead, now stop talking."

I did the opposite.

"Then what? You are healed? You'll stop mourning the death of your husband? Killing me won't bring you any form of closure Kasey, you're just digging your own grave. The minute you kill me, Deontay will be after you. And you know he'll find you. Please, just listen to me. I won't tell Deontay anything about this 'chat', in return for my silence, you'll get help. I'll help you find help."

I saw her shoulders sag and that's when I ran to grab the knife and threw out of reach.

I hugged her, and just as I did a few seconds ago, she cried.

Not edited.

Yep, its a double updated alright.

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