Chapter twenty- six

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"Sometimes you will never know the value of a moment,until it becomes a memory."

Hope my besties had a blessed and wonderful Christmas with yall families, I love you guys so much 🎄⛄❤.

Here's another chapter for you guys,my apologies for not updating sooner lmao... WE WAS BUSY.


Life is not fair,that's just how it is.

The reality is that nobody cares and nobody ever will.

Your life depends solely on the decisions and choices you make and the supporting external influences you have no influence on.

The sad part of life is when your life isn't in your hands. When you don't have any influence on your life whatsoever and whatever decisions and choices you decide to make,are declared invalid.

Again,nobody cares. Whether you decide to give in or continue fighting for a better life is all up to you.

For Juliet,it wasn't easy to fight back and speak up.

Her wounds are too deep and she's bleeding out ever more every single day.

"What should I do mrs.Willow? I can't possibly wear that dress,Deontay will kill me." She said holding a hand on her against her chest as if to calm her pounding heart.

Why was she always put in situations that will lead to Deontay getting angry?

"You know,for someone who has been with Deontay for so many years you don't seem to know him very well." The old lady said taking of her apron and revealing a beautiful navy blue floral dress.

For an old woman,she really knew how to dress.

"What do you mean by that? Of course I know him. He's an angry,obsessive,possessive and cold asshole who cares about nothing but himself." Juliet said putting the box away.

Just looking at it made her insides recoil.

"True,he isn't a very nice man. Nor is he gentle or loves the way a typical man would but to say he doesn't care,now I have to disagree. Deontay cares a lot about that little human that you're carrying -"

Juliet interrupted getting worked up.

"Yes,the baby. Its always the fucking baby -"

It was mrs.Willow's turn to cut her off.

"He cares about you too Juliet!" Mrs. Will shouted.

Juliet was taken aback because she never heard her speak like that before.

She had never spoke in such a tone before.

"You're so blind Juliet,that man loves you. If he didn't,believe me he would've gotten rid of you a long time ago. As much as you probably won't believe me,the young master loves you."

Juliet thought that mrs. Willow has gone completely insane.

"I'm very sorry ma'am,but I want to be left alone please." She said clearing her throat wanting the burning sensation to disappear.

"As you wish. Your makeup artist and hairstylist will be arriving in a few hours. May they find you ready please. As instructed by Deontay,a car will be here to pick you up at 4:30 pm." She said taking her leave.

Juliet heard a soft click and that was all she needed for her tears to slip her eyelids.

She flopped on the bed and weeped.

Juliet cried so hard,her body convulsed leading to a bad headache within a few minutes.

Unconsciously,her hand went to her stomach.

The world around her was slowly fading. It was getting blurry and getting darker by the second and soon enough,her eyes shut closed.


Deontay pinched his eyebrows fighting the urge to kill the planner.

"Exactly why am I only hearing about this now? You had one fucking job to do and you decide to mess it up." Deontay snapped,his tone hardening with every word he spoke.

"S-Sir,I'm really sorry but I can fix it." The scrawny man stuttered,affected by Deontay's dark gaze.

"Of course you'll fix it,although I have to remind you that there's less than an hour left. That's not my problem is it? Don't fuck this up Brendon or I might be forced to cut your damn balls off." He said sternly.

Brendon gulped audibly.

"Yes sir." He said,turning his back and out the door of Deontay's study.

Deontay had been planning Juliet's birthday for weeks.

Nobody was going to ruin this for him. He wasn't going to allow it.

Deontay heard a loud knock on the door.

"Fuck off."

A figure entered his study,completely ignoring his words.

"Do you always have to be so fucking rude?"

Who invited this prick?

"Unless you want a bullet to your fucking head,you better leave." He threatened finally looking up to Jared, his brother.

Jared was considered a well mannered,respectful and friendly man. What their family wasn't aware of was that he the complete opposite.

He was no different from Deontay,mybe even worse.


Deontay would never kill his wife and make it seem like she committed suicide.

"I just got here and also,why would I if I am invited?" Jared snapped,still remaining in his standing position.

He knew to avoid being in close proximity with Deontay.

Last time they were,it ended with him being hospitalized for weeks.


Because Jared wants Juliet.

He's always wanted her from the very day Deontay had introduced her to the family.

"I don't give a damn whether you are invited or not,I want you to leave." Deontay said with a thunderous expression.

"Relax man,I'm not going to do anything although if Juliet looks hot -"

Deontay flew out of his chair before Jared could complete his sentence.

He fisted Jared's collar roughly.

"If you dare talk or even look her way,I'll kill you."

"All you talk about killing is people? Can't you have a normal conversation with someone." Jared asked sternly.

Out of a majority of people Deontay knew, Jared wasn't afraid of him.

"I'm not interested in having conversations with bastards like you." Deontay snapped roughly pushing him causing him to lose his footing.

"I'm not going anywhere Deontay." Jared deadpanned,after regaining his footing.

With that said,he left.


This chapter isn't quite complete yet but since yall received the update notification earlier, here it is.

Also,its not edited

I'll try to update tomorrow ❤

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