chapter fifteen

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Restraint is a limited asset on the grounds that the piece of the cerebrum applying control worn out. It requires energy that may get drained. That is the reason why the stifling of outrage needs cautious idea. It is as steam in a pressure cooker, you need to figure out how to let it out in a protected way. Or you might burn.

Deontay was close to following all the principles in the book and calmly resolve the matter without any bloodshed.

To say he was furious will be an understatement.

Deontay had called Mina downstairs after he got confirmation from Juliet about the whole operation 'escape '.

A girl just heads out for ice cream and that automatically qualifies as an escape attempt.

As soon as she came within his reach, he was about to slap her, but his hand froze midway as he started repeatedly chanting that he will not lay his hands on a woman.

Juliet's eyes burned with so much anger her breathing became uneven.

What did he mean by he wouldn't lay his hand on a woman? Isn't she one? That has to be one sick joke.

Mina was a psychotic girl that needed help.

One minute she was weeping, the next she wanted to gouge Juliet eye out.

"She doesn't deserve you. Just look at her. She doesn't have what I have. I can pleasure in ways you've never imagined. Please let me show you." Mina said starting remove her top.

That seemed to snap Deontay out of his daze.

Don't lay a finger on women my ass.

His whole demeanour changed rapidly.

He grabbed her by her neck and started squeezing, her face drained of colour in less than a second.

Juliet started to panic. If she doesn't stop him, he would without a doubt kill her.

She couldn't bear to face another person losing their lives in front of her.

"D-Deontay, she's not breathing." Juliet swallowed nervously maintaining eye contact despite the look in his eyes which frightened her.

"I don't understand why Willow will send such trash. Don't think that little stunt of yours will go unpunished. I might not have killed you today but if I ever see your face again, I'll send you back to your creator. One more thing, I do not do desperate, and you reek of it. " He grabbed her hair in a painful grip and literally sent her flying out of the door.

Juliet jolted and shuddered when he closed the door so hard, she was surprised it didn't break.

She took a chance and reunited their gazes and immediately chocked on a breath.

His whole form shaking with anger.

She gulped hard.

Her voice cautiously called out, "Deontay are you okay?".

Of course, not but I wanted to ask anyway.

Her heart hammered against her chest wall when he took very intimating steps towards her.

What had she done now?

She could only deal with so much bullshit at a time.

"Go and wait for me in the room now." His command sliced through her soul as her chin started trembling.

"N-No, I am going to c-cook dinner." She stuttered pathetically.

He narrowed his eyes at her disapprovingly.

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