Chapter twenty-five

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She had just got out the shower,which was barely 20 minutes long.

She loathed bathing late at night. If she wasn't appalled by the events that happened earlier,she would of gladly skipped the shower.

"Is something wrong?" Juliet asked as the look Deontay was giving her make her feel a little - uncomfortable.

Its those type of looks in which someone is looking at you as if scrutinizing you.

For someone who is grew up being very shy,she couldn't help but feel a little self-conscious and quickly put on her pajamas.

"Why are you looking at me like that." Juliet asked, as he continued to stare at her even when she was fully clothed.

It was creeping her out.

"Your form has changed." He lets out.

Juliet was offended. He definitely implied that she's gained weight.

She noticed it too. Not only was it obvious that she's pregnant, due to the visible bump,but most parts of her body had noticeably changed.

Her hips have broaden,her face is starting to look a little swollen,hell even her boobs looked bigger.

"Are you calling me fat." Juliet asked,backing up to the furthest corner in the room to get far away as possible from Deontay.

"Don't put words in my mouth Juliet. By change of shape,I meant that your features look more defined and - bigger." He said whilst taking slow steps towards her.

Her heartbeat was starting to race.

He had that effect on her.

A simple glare will cause a chill to run through her spine. The lightest of touch will make her whimper.

The fear was too much. It was absolutely suffocating. Is it not known to mankind that they should not live in fear?

But why was she being subjected to this fearful setting?

"Bigger! Deontay do I look like a whale to you?" Juliet shrieked,horrified. So she was indeed fat.

The man didn't answer her. He just continued to take slow steps towards the corner she was at.

She could feel her heartbeat accelerate even more.

Such simple moves by Deontay and she could barely intake any oxygen.

She decided to close her eyes in order to hide the darkness before her.

To hell with this man!

Her breath hitched in her throat when she felt one of his hand on her neck and the other rested firmly,but with little force,on her hip.

"For a beautiful woman you sure know how to talk shit about your body. You're not what you say you think. Just because you added a few little pounds,it does not even come close to a fucking whale. No matter what you look like,I'll always love you for you. And that's what you should train yourself to do. Your body will continue to change,slightly or significantly until our baby is born. All I'm asking is for you to embrace any change that occurs. You got that?" For the first time in years,Deontay said something sensible.

Juliet,at a loss for words opted to nod.

If you're not one of Deontay's men,nodding is unacceptable.

"When I talk to you you don't just listen,you fucking look at me when you do. Open your eyes." The hand which was holding her neck now painfully held her chin.

"Let go." She said,tears already threatening to be let free.

Of course her attempt,as usual is always thrown out the window.

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