Bonus chapter #1

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Deep breaths Juliet, you're crowning." The doctor said, urging me to push harder.  

I was exhausted. I have been in labour for the past 15 hours.  

"I can't." I said breathlessly.  

Deontay, who's worried expression had me feeling tenfold worse looked more burned out than I was.  

"Come on baby, she's almost here. Please baby, just push one more time." He gave me a faint smile, squeezing my hand reassuringly.

I was hit with the most painful contraction yet. It was excruciating.  

Remind me to never let Deontay come in me. Ever.  

"Get this baby out of me." I screamed, pushing with the last ounce of strength I had. I could feel myself slipping away. Physically.  

"Congratulations mr and mrs. Rossi, it's a girl." The doctor held my princess in her arms. Our princess.  

Deontay kissed my sweaty forehead. "Told you it'll be a girl." He grinned.  

Deontay and I decided against knowing the baby's gender because we badly wanted it to be a girl. Even if it were a boy, we would love him regardless. We just wanted a baby girl this time.  It wouldn't been sad if it wasn't.

"Can we hold her." I asked the doctor, who graciously stood holding her.  

I tried to sit but my energy had been so drained, I fell back down. "Careful." Deontay said, helping me take a sitting form.

My eyes brimmed with tears. "She's so beautiful Deontay. My beautiful little girl." I said as I stared at her adorable face.  

I looked up and only one nurse remained. The doctor and the rest of the nurses had left.  

"Aubrey." Deontay spoke, but I was too captived by the little one.

"Sorry what?" I asked staring at him.  

"I'm naming her Aubrey." I registered his words, making more sense than what he'd said a second ago.  

Aubrey Rossi.  

"I like it." I pursed my lips and he didn't disappoint. He leaned in and captured my lips, passionately kissing me.  

"I love you amore." His love for me was genuine. You could see it in his eyes. He loved me and I did too.  

"I love you and you too baby." I said placing a gentle kiss on her temple.  

The nurse, who had been quietly standing at the far corner of room finally spoke. "Mrs. Rossi, I'm sorry but I'll have to take the baby to get dressed."  

Deontay made it impossible for the nurse to approach me. Although physically, she wasn't showing any signs of fear but not once did she look at us. She kept her head down, refusing to look at us.  

"Deontay won't hurt you dear." I told her reassuringly.  

I was met with a pair of blue eyes. She walked the short distance between the corner she stood and the bed. She walked slowly. Dreading every step she took.  

Looking at her in her fear stricken state brought back a wave of forgotten memories.  

Memories I've buried a year ago. I wasn't afraid of Deontay anymore.  

Well, he didn't give me any reason to be.  

"Here." I said placing Aubrey in her arms.  

"We'll be quick. She'll be back in your arms before 8 pm."  

It was currently 7:28 pm.

"Okay Daisy, we'll take your word for it."  

She seemed surprised that he knew her name.  

"The name tag." Deontay said staring at the tag on her shirt.

She walked out, leaving an anxious Deontay by my side. "She'll be okay." A yawn passed my lips. I was beyond tired.  

"Why don't you rest amore, you've had a rough day."  

I didn't need to be told twice. I felt my eyes flatter close.  

I fell in a deep sleep, oblivious to the world around me.  

 Five months.

It has been five months after I birthed my sweet angel. 

She had been such a wonderful baby, who barely threw a fit. 

Deontay's family and mrs.Willow had all been great. The love they've shown me was overwhelming.

I was busy rocking her to sleep when Matteo burst through the door crying.  

I felt a pang of hurt in my heart whenever my children cried.  

Aubrey seemed to have been deep in sleep. She didn't move at all when I placed her in her crib.  

I was grateful for the fluffy carpet that covered the entire room. I sat a few feet away from the crib.  

"Come here baby." I patted next to me.  

"Whats wrong." I wiped away his tears.  
"Dad says I can't play outside. I told him I want to play but he wouldn't let me." He sniffed, more tears streamed down his chubby cheeks.  

Matteo was a complete replica of his dad. The only thing I find to be out of context with Deontay was his character. He didn't came of rude or cold. His personality was very bubbly and friendly. Just like me.  

"Let's go have a chat with him yeah." I said. I held his hand and together, we walked to his office.  

He was always in his damn office. It annoyed the shit out of me.  

The sex was good, but I didn't only want to sleep with someone who only seemed to notice me in the bedroom. Hell, he would often skip dinner too.  

"Deontay, can I have a word with you." I didn't knock and I knew it pissed him off everytime.  

"How many times have I told you to knock Juliet? You just can't barge in every fucking time." He growled at me, he was mad but I didn't give one flying fuck.  

"Mind your language Deontay." I warned him. "Why exactly can't Matteo play outside?" I asked with my hands held at my hips.  

He rubbed his temple, obviously annoyed." Can't you see its hot outside? Its literally 40 degrees, the heat is ridiculous.  

"I want to play outside." Matteo screamed at him.  

Something flashed in his eyes.  

He roughly pushed his chair back causing it to nearly fall.  

His stride was angry. Intended at him. At Matteo.

I moved with lightning speed. I pushed Matteo behind me. He gribbed the back of my dress, scared.

"Don't you dare touch my son Deontay." I meant every word I said. He wasn't going to lay a finger on him. Not ever.  

"Mybe you should teach that smart mouth of his to never raise his voice at me again." My eyes grew wide. Taken aback by the seriousness in his tone.

"No, why don't you teach him? Get your ass out of this pathetic excuse of an office and spend time with your child for once." My chin quivered. I hated crying because of him.  

I roughly wiped my tears away and with the most threatening voice I could muster I spoke up. "Or else I'm leaving and you'll never see me again."  

He painfully grabbed my neck, his nails were digging into my skin.  

"I. Own. You." He bit out.  

I stared into his eyes.  

That wasn't the Deontay I knew. That was the monster.  

He's back.


Hey besties💕.
Here's part one of my bonus chapter series for Heartbeat.
Thank you for reading.

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