Chapter nineteen

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The universe is said to never give you more than you can't handle.

That God will never put you through something that you can't get out of.

Moral of the story. There is always a way to get out of any sticky situation that you find yourself. No matter how deep the shit you're in, they'll always be a way in which you'll get out of it.

But the shit Juliet is in is so deep, the exit point was nowhere in sight. No matter how hard she turned. No matter how many doors she'd opened to get her free, it has led her to the same place.

To the same person that she's been trying to rid herself off.

Deontay Rossi.

The man's existence in this world has ruined her life. More damage has been done than good.

The moment she realized that the panty dropping, golden rich boy wasn't who she thought he was, her wings had already been cut off. She could no longer fly.

It was too late. Her focus was no longer on getting away from him, but rather survive. Survival is all she has left, there's no other way out.

But can she survive whatever the fuck is happening?

Deontay has retired from the Mafia world a few years ago. Two years to be specific. His ruthless, dominating and controlling nature has landed him more enemies than anyone is this world.

He has killed many gang leaders, innocent people and politicians. All because of reasons only known to him.

After he had stepped down as the leader and appointed a new one, only a few times their lives were threatened.

One, the biggest of them all, was when they nearly lost their lives when someone planted a bomb in his car. Luckily, it went off before they could enter the car.

That is when he had decided to move to a secluded area, totally of the radar place where no one will ever dare look.

The island.

When she had heard of relocating, she knew that her life will only turn for the worst. Her fear of being belittled and caged was what she faced and is still facing.

So, them moving back to civilization, those fuckers were definitely able to track them.

"W-What do you mean?" She asked, after her brain seemed to finally catch on to what Deontay has just said.

"I'm not sure if I stuttered or you've gone completely deaf." He spat, looking in the depths of his eyes, they were stone cold, jaw clammed tight.

Even when they're lives were in danger, he wasn't willing to speak to her in a sensible manner.

He was absolutely infuriating. She never met someone so bloody infuriating in her life.

Deontay grips the steering wheel so hard, his fingers started to ache.

Juliets heart was racing, she was drawing in rapid breaths as her thoughts raced.

Anxiety and fear started to develop deep in her chest. She was scared shitless.

"Don't worry mio amore,I won't let anything happen to you nor the baby. Whatever these cunts are trying to do, they won't succeed. Now, buckle up your seatbelt and enjoy the ride. This is going to be one hell of ride." He said as his eyes flicked to her slight bump and averted them back onto the road.

Words were stuck in her throat, her mouth had completely gone dry. She opened her mouth to say something...anything, but nothing came out.

So, he did care?

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