Bonus Chapter #2

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He's always a tick away from turning into him.

The abrasive Deontay.

Men like him don't change. They just seek ways to lure us into thinking they have. Thats who they are. Angry fucking psychotic assholes.

For the longest time since I birthed our son, the monster was gone. I tamed the beast, but its slowly breaking the clutches set on it.

He's back and even agrier than before. I wasn't the woman I was before. I'm better, stronger and ready to fight any mother fucking dick that is threatening to harm my children and I.

"Let go of me Deontay, you're scaring him." I stared into his dark orbs which seem to be darkening as each second passes. The beast in him loved to see me under his hold. Loved to see his son cowering under his dangerously scary form.

He was loving every minute of it.

His breath fanned my face due to the close proximity. "Don't forget to close the door behind you." He lowered his gazed onto Matteo, casting him the blankest expression I've ever seen.

He let go of my neck with a push, I nearly fell on Matteo but managed to balance myself.

I felt disgusted by his nonsensical actions. "You're disgusting Deontay." I spat, taking Matteo's hand in mine, I walked out of the devils pit.

We walked past the door that led to the swimming pool. Judging by how Deontay reacted, it wasn't a smart idea to let Matteo out. Especially since it really was scorching hot outside.

I led him into the kitchen and sat him on the marble counter top.

I was obsessed with marble. It visually enhances the features of a room and not to mention how beautiful it is.

I felt tears stinging my eyes but I pushed them back. This wasn't just me anymore, I have two children. I needed to be stronger for them and I.

I held his chin, his tears had dried up leaving a trial on his cheeks. "Hey, its okay. Dad was just a little worried you'll get sun burn from playing outside." I lied, nothing can justify Deontay actions.

"Daddy hurt mommy." My chest ached.

I was like a piece of furniture. Hidden in the basement. A lifeless peice of furniture. That I was.

That's nothing conpared to what he had done before. I sigh, begging my mind to divert to something else.

"No hunny, he wasn't hurting me. Daddy was just a little angry." He has anger issues that were beyond the entire galaxy. Best to avoid him, for now.

"Want to help me bake a chocolate cake for dessert?" Matteo and I love chocolate but Deontay absolutely hates it. He prefers red velvet. It tastes like ass in my opinion.


I was busy doing the laundry. When I spotted a red lipstick stain on the collor of his blue shirt.

I immediately ran to interrogate him.

"Tell me the name Deontay."

As soon as the bitches name came out oh his mouth, I dashed through the front door.

I entered the strip club and I gulped. My mind finally registered what was going to happen.

Since it was their bosses wife, I got stares from literally everyone. Apart from Tony, he was always drunk. He was basically knocked out on the sofa.

"Who the fuck is Jasmine?" Silence. "I won't fucking repeat myself again. Who. The. Hell. Is. Jasmine?"

A tall blonde girl emerged from the group of girls who stood on the stage. Even, Clara who was planted high up the pole was quietly looking at the scene. At me. At the boss's wife.

"I go by barbie and who the fuck are you." Gasps of shock filled the room.

She's new. She doesn't know who she's talking to.

"Why don't you come find out." All I saw was red.

I immediately pounced on her.

She caught onto my hair and I let out a horrifying cry. My scalp is so sensitive from years of abuse from Deontay.

I bit the arm that was latched ontoy hair, took her head and hit it against the wall.

I watched as her body slam onto the hard floor.

I felt accomplished. Alive. In a sickening way, I liked watching the blood oozing out of the sideof her head.

"Now that I have everyone's attention. Stay away from my husband or you wouldn't mind me killing you." I smiled to lighten the mood. Still a dead crowd, literally. Everyone wore a shocked expression.

I walked out with my chin held high. No remorse whatsoever.

Mybe we're all monsters after all.


Not edited

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