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"Honey, are you still going to your therapy sessions?"

It's friday, finally, and Calculus class was just dismissed and here I am, discussing things with Sylvain.

Involuntarily, I blush. I seriously don't know why it's not like we're fucking during the sessions, he didn't even kiss me properly last night. "Yes, Ma. Still going."

"Do you see some kind of improvement?"

"I think so. I don't know. I feel somewhat lighter about the mom even though we haven't gotten into that yet."

"You'll see how good you'll feel when everything's over."

When will it be over? I'll remind myself to ask Kellan.

"I hope so."

"What are you doing tomorrow?"

"No plans, why?"

"Ares is coming home and I'm having a little welcome party. Want to join?"

Sylvain's children all follow alphabetically order names. The first born is Ares, then Bradley, after it's Carlisle, last but not least there is Drake.

Bradley is the only one still in Chicago, since he is continuing his studies, the others are all scattered around the US so it's quite rare when all of them or even just 3 out of 4 are together.

"Sure, I'd love to. Want some help with preparation?'

"I'd appreciate that."

"Count me in then." I look down at my watch and see I barely have ten minutes to get to my next class in the next building. "Gotta run Ma, bye."

With a hug and a kiss I depart.

~ • ~

"Anastasia." The Voice from the T.V. says.

"Christian" Says the other hot voice.

I finally got to buy the acclaimed movie and am finally watching it with my beloved cookies and cream Hershey drops, a Coke and some Doritos.

The movie continues and God, is it graphic. Half way through the movie, there's a knock on my door. My brow furrows and I instinctively reach for my phone. No texts, no calls. That's weird. My bare feet meet the ground and stalk toward the door. Opening the door, gleaming, white teeth and deep, cute dimples greet me.


"Hi, I thought I wasn't seeing you today?" I ask dubious.

He chuckles the sound making my skin raise with the good kind of goosebumps. "I know but I was bored, just finished paperwork and I wanted to entertain you for a bit. Are you busy?"

"Uhh...no just watching this movie."

"Great!" He says a bit too enthusiastic. "I love movies."

"Uhh, yeah...sure." I say quite scared. This is officially awkward.

He sits at the opposite nook of the couch from me and we just stare at each other for a couple of seconds. "So are you going to play it?"

I bite my lip then reach for the remote. The movie continues and I turn to watch avoiding his eyes.

Minutes pass, how many, I have no clue, before he speaks. "Why are you so nervous?"

"I'm not nervous" I say hastily.

"You are biting your lip and nails. You're changing your leg position every three minutes and the minute you foot touches the floor, you start bobbing it."

I raise an eyebrow turning to look at him. "Observing me much?"

"I was. Comes with the job." He shrugs.

I turn back to the movie blushing feeling his gaze on me. When I just can't take it anymore I turn to look at him, right back, right in the eye. We just stare, trying to stare into each other's depths. Before I can stop myself, and without taking my eyes off him, I reach for the remote stopping the movie. "Wanna do something fun?"

"What do you have in mind?"

"It's a surprise just...hold on one sec."

I jump out of the couch and into my room in a mad dash. I seek out a pair of socks then put on my favorite, black, knee-high Steve Madden motorcycle boots. I stayed with my pull & bear leggings and light blue tank top just added my jean jacket. Snatching my favorite keys from my second, bedside table drawer, I walk out into the living room.

"Let's go." I say.

"This ought to be good."

Smiling mischievously, I say. "It is."

~ • ~

"Aren't we going to your car?" He inquires when he sees he are making a left instead of going straight to the main parking lot.


"You have two cars?"


"Holy shit, you have a Charlie Tango?" He teases.

"No!" I cackle. I punch in the security code of the garage and the door lifts.

"Holy fuck."

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