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I wake up to a delicious smell coming from...my kitchen? Sitting up, I look out my open bedroom door. Hmm...I never leave my door open and then I remember.

Trying to be as quiet as possible, I enter my bathroom wash my face, teeth and slip on my jogging attire. I make a beeline for the kitchen as I finish humming my appreciation.

"You know you make me doubt my abilities as a woman who believes cooks well."

I'm rewarded with a light chuckle and a bright smile. "Well good morning great samaritan. And why would you ever doubt your cooking abilities, I'm sure they surpass my own."

Fake frowning I say, "Mine don't smell half as good."

He smirks. "Let me be the judge of that."

Seeing he has made coffee, I fill up my mug with some adding my favorite creamer. It's then I notice he isn't wearing the same clothes as yesterday which leads to my nest question, "What time did maintenance arrived?"

"About 5:40. I tried to be as quiet as possible and not wake. Then I wanted to show my gratitude for letting me crash on your surprisingly comfy couch by bringing you breakfast to bed but my magical power or your powerful sense of smell beat me to it."

Effortlessly, he slides the delicious smelling omelet off the skillet and onto a plate. From the oven, he takes out home made hash-browns and my stomach growls. He lifts a mocking eyebrow and I blush. "Good morning Balthazar." He teases.

And it's as if it hers him because it growls again and I can feel my face heat even further. Claiming my seat at my breakfast bar, I turn to him. "Aren't you joining me?"

After a shake of his head and snatching one of my hash-browns he answers, "No, I need to run some errands then head to work. Plus, I don't normally eat in the morning."

"Why?" I ask. "It's said is the most important meal of the day." I finish before digging in. God, Once again he proves me he is much better than all the diners and restaurants I've ever eaten breakfast at. "Damn boy," I say mid bite. "Whoever taught you this deserves an award."

Somehow my words have an opposite effect of what I intended them to have and his gaze drags to the floor. His eyes narrow, his brows furrow then he looks back at me the warmth and wit from our earlier banter gone. "You have no other choice but learn after having to fend for yourself from a very young age."

Suddenly, I am not that interested in my breakfast but in the story behind Kellan's words. He clears his throat and says he need to go do some stuff before he leaves. I thank him again for breakfast and he does the same for the couch and then he leaves. My mind is in a turmoil with different scenarios of what the meaning behind his statement is. Did he have an absent mother? An abusive father? A shiver crawls down my spine and I shudder. I close my eyes trying to gather my bearings.

My appetite is gone as fast as it came so I decide to do my jug earlier than intended. Heading outside, I start stretching on the sidewalk and feel how the temperature has dropped a few degrees. Tilting my head back, I let the sun kiss my skin and as I open my eyes I see dark clouds covering the sky but not the sun. I think I can complete my run without getting caught in the rain. Placing my iPod on my holder and putting in my wireless earphones. Hozier's Take me to church pours out of them as I start running.

As I reach somewhere around campus with a water fountain I hydrate myself and curse. Droplets of water are starting to fall upon us. Damn, I hope I don't get sick. Once I've had enough water, I stretch some then start running back home as fast as possible the beat from the music matching my fast pulse. Rain is now soaking me, and I run faster. My earphones and arm holder are waterproof so I don't worry much about them as I run as fast as possible feeling my muscles stretch, contract and loving the feeling.

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