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Dear Cam,

As I am writing this I am wishing I could go back home and take a cold shower. This letter would be the second in one week, though I'm not sure if I'll be sending it so If I do, sorry for my explicit content.

I am finally in my office from a meeting with my lawyer yet all I could think about was that kiss. You're probably thinking you I kissed and you won't believe. Before telling you who it was, I'll tell you how it happened because just with me telling you, you'll know who it was.

So here I was, under the pouring rain, a nylon over my body hunched over trying to se what the fuck was wrong with my car again. I've already been looking for a new one but in the meantime, I needed the fucker to function. I curse, stomp and almost punch when a voice says, "Damsel in Distress I see." A smile tugged on my lips, warmth enveloping me. I raised my head and if it weren't for the rain, she'd probably had seen my drool. Remember I always said the perfect woman had to have flawless white skin, nothing marking it. Let me tell you, I am now doubting my judgement. This girl had a dragon tattoo that I didn't know where it began but I did know where it almost ended. It's bright orange, yellow and red hues called on to me and I was mesmerized. Once she was right in front of me I was ready to combust.

But first a flashback, Did you know I haven't had sex since Kara two years ago? If you're father reads this, I'm sorry but hey, I said I'd always tell you everything so this is me telling you everything. You do remember Kara right? She left me right after your birthday. The cold droplets of water did nothing to make my bestie downstairs calm down. I wanted her, period. I hadn't even kissed a person since Kara so you can imagine how horny I was...or maybe not. The thing is that when she leaned in and started working on the car, damn. I was seconds away of carrying her over my shoulder and make her mine. She spoke, in that velvety soft voice but I couldn't conceive what the hell she was saying.

When she asked me to turn on the car, I had to reconect my brain to my spine to get the message across to my legs and move. When the car's engine started up after a few tries, I wanted to kiss that woman and so I set myself I'd do just that. I walk out the car, certain a predatory gleam was present in my every move and stare. She closed the hood and let the nylon slip down on the floor. Dragging my gaze from her tennis clad feet to her head I was certain I was going to kiss her, so I told her so.

One of the reasons I wanted to be a psychologist was because I was intrigued of the way the human brain works. You see, when you think about the worst case scenario of a situation it is because you want to mentallly prepare yourself for better or for worst, already hating it if the scenario comes true or loving it. It's all about the anticipation. I heard her breath hitch when I said I was going to kiss her and how her tone was raspy when she asked if I was asking permission. Inwardly I smiled, knowing how the mind works, comes in handy specially because the body is a machine that if you know how to use properly can do limitless things.

She gasped when my hand settled right on that tattoo and finally joined lips. She felt soft, and tasted like my omelet and hash-browns. It felt as if I was drowning and she was air. I demanded and she gave willingly. My hands roamed around her body as if my fingers couldn't feel enough, as if she was slipping away rather than coming closer. I needed to feel her closer so being daring, I made her wrap herself around me and settleing her on the hood of my car. I didn't give a damn about a single thing all the while I was there with her, all I could do was feel, smell, drink and taste her. She was intoxicating, addictive. The more I explrored, the more I wanted to savor. And when she let out a small whimper I almost exploded. It's was like the forth of July inside my body, all the fire going to one sole place. I pulled her so close, it was a miracle either of us could breathe.

Life didn't give me a chance to continue what was by far the best kiss I'd ever experienced because my phone started going off.

I inwardly cursed and broke our kiss. My eyes were a perfect mirror of hers. Heavy lidded, filled with lust and desire. I leaned it and whispered a promise I'd fulfill not only for her but for my own selfish wants. As I answered she strode away and all I could do was play it over and over again. After the call, I didn't give a fly in a rats ass I was drenched and about to go on an important meeting. This would be a proof It all wasn't a dream.

It wasn't until I was at my office that I could shower and change into dry clothes. I didn't have any patients due today, but still a lot of work to do but my mind was elsewhere. My sanity stayed somewhere right before the kiss, because my mind currently belongs to Ryanne fucking Raegan.

Sorry for being an asshole.



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