Three - New school

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Warning contains mentions of things like suicide, depression, and self-harm. Read at your own discretion. ( I do not promote any of these stay safe <3 )

You saw the ray of sun coming in your room signifying another day came and you were still alive. To make things better it was your first day at your new school. ' How wonderful', you thought. The only thing nice about this changing school thing was that your inscription was under your name so you were in charge of yourself and no one would be bothered about anything you'd do. Like for example skip classes. Yes, you haven't even started and you plan on skipping, well not today but for sure after. 

Water, shower, teeth, hair, clothes and you were now ready. The only hic is that your first class is at 8 and it's 6 am. Tonight again you didn't sleep much and woke up at 5 am. Nightmares, anxiety, and insomnia gladly came to help you stay awake. You decided to go to school hoping it's open this early. You didn't look anything about the place so you didn't know anything except your schedule and local of your classes.

Black converse on you locked the door behind you and started to walk. You weren't sure of the road to take anyway so maybe leaving this early wasn't so bad.  

After some zigzagging thru the city you finally reached your destination. It took about 45 minutes so 30 when you'll know the way. You still had quite some time so you entered and walked aimlessly around. You tried spotting some possible spots to go to be alone and important places like where your classes take place, the library and the way to the roof. 

When you finished your tour of the school you went to the library and started a book since you didn't have anywork to do.

The time passed by quickly as you went thru mangas and you had now 20 minutes before your class. You thought arriving early could spare you the trouble of walking in being stared and examined by everyone as you're the new girl so you went right away.

You went in it was mostly empty and you went in the back row at the seat new to the window. The rest walked in not paying attention to you your strategy worked perfectly until the middle of the period. The teacher called out to you to ask you if you could stay after class so he could fill you up on what you missed and had to do. That simple call made everyone turn and look at you. You wished you could slide under the desk but you simply said ok to the teacher and he continued his lesson. In the end, you received yet again some looks as you walked up to the teacher.

The second class was the history of arts, you used the same strategy as before but added a small step. Before going to sit in the back you went to the teacher asking if there was anything you had to know. Everything went perfectly, you're not even sure if they know there is someone new in their class and that doesn't need to change.

The day went by you used your now flawless strategy in each class. The only problem was not in-between classes. Even tho each time you went straight to places with no one a group of girls spotted you and knew you were new. They decided you would be quite a nice target.

" Hey ugly come over here... Eww not so close stay at least 2 meters from me anyway go buy us some drinks you got 5 minutes or it won't be pretty!" The girl told you, you only had enough money for it so you wouldn't have any to eat. You didn't mind it so you went, you took random things and brought them back.

" Aww good girl, now get out of my sight do you know how ugly you are? Answer me!" She screamed making some people look our way. " Yes, I do I'm not blind. Now I will get out of your sight before your eyes start to bleed and go hide in my classes, see you next time you come to state facts. Have a good day, " you answered her and walked to your class. She said something but you were too far to hear.

You entered your 4th and last class of the day and went to the teacher then the back seat next to the... ' Oh someone is there, but I like window seats...' You went the row before the last one and sat next to the window in front of a guy you didn't look at. The class was about to start and the last students came in including the girl from before. She walked to the back and said something to the guy behind you and came to sit in front of him, where you were.

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