Nine - Blood bath

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Warning contains mentions of things like suicide, depression, and self-harm. Read at your own discretion. ( I do not promote any of these stay safe <3 )


wandgnyrvhngumr! I so happy to see some people following the story and wanting more! Thank you so muchhhhhh <3 Anyway, I don't want to be annoying so thanks a lot and now let the story continue... Enjoy!

You woke up feeling like shit. Your head was throbbing like never, your body felt like it would crumble at the slightest movement and your throat was totally dry.

" Well good morning, looks like even death still doesn't want me... again." You said to yourself with a sandpaper voice.

You tried lifting your arm and loudly groaned in pain. ' Nope.' You forced against the pain to reach your head with your right hand and clicked the play button from your headphones. The music that had stopped automatically after two hours without interaction started again.

You put back your arm where it was and closed your eyes again to drift into your thoughts. Jumping from your usual death wish to school to your parents to your job to your next color for your room to your class that you were currently missing to Levi to wait- Levi?

Why were you thinking of him now? You've been laying in the bath for more than two hours now thinking about nothing and everything and your mind -of all the things it could think about- decided to think about a classmate. 'Well, that's new, well doesn't really matter.'

You shrugged it off and let your mind wander. Thinking back on the first time you saw his deep grey eyes who looked directly into you without any hesitation. The way you felt like he could see into your soul. The looks he gives you each time he enters a class, even if he thinks he is subtle you notice each time. 

His concerned look when you limped to the bench waiting for the Uber. Concerned? Why was he concerned? Was he even concerned? Probably not you probably misinterpreted it. The way the two guys really insisted for you to work with them even after you ran away twice. The way he was mean but caring. The way they both invited you to hang out. The way he protected you from petra's beating saving your job interview.

The way he always seems to look out for you in his own way and the way he annoyingly brought you to eat with them instead of alone. Thinking about all that also reminded you yesterday, under all those eyes. You felt him, a displeased look as you left the class, why?

*Ding* *Ding*


Eren: (Y/n)? Are you okay? I didn't see you in any class this morning.

Eren: Levi went to look for you so we could eat together but he can't find you. Aren't you at school? Skipping the whole day or just a few periods again ;)?


No, sorry I won't be there I feel sick today. 

Levi: Tch, tell us next time. I don't wanna lose my time looking for someone who isn't there again.


I'm sorry. You don't have to bother to look for me anyway.

Eren: LEVI! Don't be mean! Don't worry (y/n) he's just worried. Well get some rest I hope you feel better tomorrow. I would send you the notes but I don't take any 😐😌


It's okay don't worry about it, have a nice day. Don't worry about the notes I'll be fine.

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