Seventeen - Games

318 13 11

Warning contains mentions of things like suicide, depression, and self-harm. Read at your own discretion. ( I do not promote any of these stay safe <3 )


What in the holy God of anime happened here!? I leave y'all alone for 3 days and I got back with quadrupled views wtf thank you so much!!!!!!!!! How tf did I pass from 100 to 400 brush I thought Id have max 50 views 🤡

Y'all killed me thanks so fucking much!

Well time to shut up cuz y'all want the storyyy

The second you finished knocking the door flung open.

"(Y/N)!!! Welcome to my humble lair!" Eren said stepping aside so you could enter. He closed the door and followed him to the others.

The place was surprisingly clean probably because of Armin who you had a small thought for him thinking how he probably always had to pick up behind Eren.

" Alright let's get this party started!!!" Eren screamed open his first beer and exactly one minute before 9, Levi knocked and entered just as you started to wonder if he was coming. Then Eren started the introductions.

" Mikasa, Armin, Levi but you know them," he started. " Then there are the two clowns Connie and Sasha," Connie gave you a shy smile and Sasha asked about your favorite meat. " This is Historia and Ymir," Historia shook your hand and Ymir gave you a death glare when you did. " Annie," she just gave you a small glance. " Horse face who you already met too many times if you ask me," he gave you a flirty glare. " And the last one would be-" " Hange­!" She screamed her name before jumping on you for a hug.

" Okay time for drinks-" Connie started, " and food!" Sasha ended. Levi gave you the you-know-what-to-do look which you just shrugged off annoyed he tried babysitting you. They all took a beer while you went for a glass of juice that was meant to mix with the alcohol. 

Hange started the music and small conversations started here and there.

" Damn gurl I love your outfit and you're so hot!" Hange said with a slightly flirty tone in the end. " Thanks, I could say the same goes for you, you look fabulous." You told her. She was a white button-up shirt only buttoned at the bottom and black trousers.

You both talked for a bit until she started to look around. " What?" You asked.

" It's missing some spice..." She muttered and then turned to the others. " Time for a game! Alright everyone in a circle we're playing truth or dare!" She announced.

Truth or dare you had heard of it but never played. ' Should be fun,' you thought as you sat between Hange and Sasha.

" I'll start me me me!" Sasha squealed. " Ok Armin truth or dare?"

" Dare?" " I dare you to hold the hand of the person at your right until it's their turn." She said grinning. Armin looked beside him, Annie was there. He blushed and opened his hand to her. She sighed and took it.

" O- Ok eh Levi Truth or dare?" " Dare" " I dare you to compliment someone." Everyone gasped and waited for him to talk. " Tch, (y/n) nice outfit," he said. Everyone looked shocked, " He actually complimented someone... Levi are you sick?" Jean said what everyone except you was thinking. " No, it was the dare horse face."

" Horse truth or dare?" " Truth" " Did all that flirting actually landed you a girlfriend once?" He asked blankly. " ... no" Jean muttered. " OHHHHHH" Connie screamed. " What hahaha really horse face! At the same time, you'd have to be blind and deaf to go out with you." Eren said. " Pff same goes to you" They continued arguing until Milasa stepped in and hit both their head.

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