Five - Group work

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Warning contains mentions of things like suicide, depression, and self-harm. Read at your own discretion. ( I do not promote any of these stay safe <3 )

Rise and shine for another day on alive earth. The sun woke you up it was 5:30 am. You slept a bit more than usual but that's only since you went to bed late. Yesterday you went to the Internet and did the whole essay plus all the work the teacher gave in the class you skipped. When you came back home you unpacked the last boxes and finish settling in.

You brought the new bloody towel to the bathroom to put them with the others and took off your ankle brace for a shower. You dried your body, put back the brace, and went to your room for a change of clothes. Now dressed you blow-dried your hair and brushed your teeth and hair. You took an apple and nuts for your lunch and left for school. You arrived at 7 am and your first class was at 8. It was art studies, it would probably by some figure drawing and evaluating existing art pieces. This class was different depending on the teaching so you couldn't really guess what you'd do.

You went in early, talked to the teacher, and took your favorite spot. You put on your music and took a light nap. You got woken up but surprise surprise your bully! ' Guess she has the same class' before she even said anything you looked in front of you and saw the guy who was actually looking at you too, ' weirdo'. You got up took your stuff and moved. " Oh so you do have a brain, after all, I hope you brought money this time," your heard her say but didn't pay it any attention. " Hey, Petra, why do you keep making her move each time. She was there before you" a deep voice said, " Hmm don't worry Levi, she doesn't mind and I want this place to be with you and be beside the window." You heard her say. ' I guess now I know their name well this class wasn't useless after all.'

The class was mostly still life study drawings and the teacher announced a pair project for the next class. ' How nice another one exactly what I needed.' You thought as you left the class with your earbuds to avoid any interactions, mostly hoping Petra would be talking and forget about you. You went to the roof again and cloud gazed for a bit. The next class was geometry in 10 minutes. So you started to go and when you arrived the class was about to start with only 3 minutes left. You entered and went to the teacher. 

" Ah (y/n) I thought you wouldn't come, here is your work you can go to the library" she whispered to you with a smile. You nodded and took a look at the place you would of sit and saw Levi there. ' I guess I was in the way so the second I'm not there he went back hmm guess I'll have to avoid the windows from now on.' With that, you walked out with him staring at you which made you uncomfortable.

You worked at the library for a while and did about 2/5 of the work, the class would now end in 20 minutes so you decided to leave school until the next class so you wouldn't be bothered by Petra and her Squad. You walked to a near park and ate your apple and nuts while working on the geometry document.

It was now 3 pm and time to go to the class you least wanted to go to today. Modern art. The class where there's the group project announced today. ' Nope, not today, sorry not sorry dear teammates you can quick me out of the team.' You really didn't want to go and "sadly" even if you got you'd have to leave early for an interview at the restaurant Poisson Rouge. The decision was quickly taken. You'll skip it, so you just went back to the geometry document.


You were in front of the restaurant for your interview. You went in a little early and the manager came to bring you to the office. She asked you the basic questions about a job and if you knew how to cook. You told her you knew how and wasn't bad at it. Overall she looked pleased by the interview plus the fact that you worked at another restaurant before probably helped. She asked you if you could show her how you cook if you had time, and you were totally free so why not. You went to the kitchen and she told you to watch the chef make one of the menu items and try to do it after.

You did as told and not too bad if you may say so. She did the taste test and you passed. She offered you the job. ' YES! Time well spent way better than the stupid group project.' You accepted the job and were starting this Saturday at 10:30 am.


You were so happy and proud about the job that you didn't even cut yourself much that night.

The sun proudly woke up and did the same to you. Yet again you didn't die sleeping. You got ready for the day and boiled an egg for lunch skipping breakfast. You arrived at school early as always so you went to the library and read some more cooking books.

Your literature class was now starting in  20 minutes and you entered, walked to the teacher, talked for a bit, and went to the back row but door side. Partly because moving each time was annoying and the other part because you had to leave before the end. You would ask to go to the bathroom and sneak out your back to leave for a movie theatre interview. You were listening to your music as people came in and decided to lay your head on the desk.

You were almost falling asleep when you felt a presence behind you. ' Don't tell me Petra wants my place' " Petra I'm not moving, stay with your guy near the windows. From here I'm not in the way so don't bother me" you mumbled without looking.

" Tch brat do I look like a girl to you? Fucking lift your head up." A male voice said. "Geez sorry calm down I didn't do anything I just didn't look" You mumbled again while lifting up your head and looked behind to be face to face with Levi and another dude with brown hair and beautiful green eyes. ' Why are two handsome dudes behin-' "We're your team for the Modern art project but as you said you didn't do anything, you didn't even bother to come so you wouldn't know" The same guy talked again while the other just stood there. " How'd you even know it's me?" you asked. 

" I know you in our class, our partner was absent and you weren't there, but just to confirm your name is (F/n)(L/n)?" " Yeah I guess you guys are my team, well sorry but the class is starting nice to know you," I said and turned to the front. " Hey maybe you usually don't work but you're in my team so you will, stay after class we'll plan some dates to work." "hmm," you semi-answered. ' Yeah but no I'll be long gone before you can do anything about it.'

The class passed and it was now time for you to slip out, you threw away the plan about asking to go pee. Instead, you discreetly stood up, made eye contact with the teacher, and with a smile and a small bow you got out without anyone taking notice.

The interview went well and they told you, they'll call you in the next few days if I get the job. You were now back at school heading for the dance class.

The dance class wasn't bad but you wish you could dance. You went to your next class after your lunch at the park to avoid Petra. You directly headed to the back row door side since you had that class Monday you didn't need to talk to the teacher. Music on you started to draw a flower field in your sketchbook using an orange, a red, and a black marker until you felt a presence behind you again. 'woops'.

" Well hello there," you told them while turning around and taking off your earbuds. You were faced with an angry Levi and a slightly annoyed green-eyed dude. Levi was about to talk, well more like explode to you but the other guy stopped him. 

" Hi (y/n), I'm Eren your other teammate, can you stay after class so we can organize this project. If you plan on leaving could you tell us now please?" ' Well asked like that sir Eren I'll stay' "Nice to meet you Eren, yes I can and will stay sorry about before I had an appointment and since he didn't ask I didn't say anything." You answered him honestly. Since they really wanted you on the project you'd make an effort not to be a burden.

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