Fifteen - Lies

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Warning contains mentions of things like suicide, depression, and self-harm. Read at your own discretion. ( I do not promote any of these stay safe <3 )

" Get up." He said in a stern voice almost sounding like your dad making you gulp. You did as told putting your book in your bad but letting it on the floor.

" Levi, I-" You tried to say as you got up but the second you were up he pushed you against the bookshelf.

His grey emotionless eyes stared into yours for what felt like hours. Your (e/n) eyes kept trying to look away but always came back to his. He slammed his hand beside your head. ' What is happening, why do I strangely like it even tho it's intimidating?' you thought as he leaned closer to you.

He kept you pinned to the shelf, staring at you, leaning closer and closer. Your heart pumped like crazy and you felt your cheeks getting hotter, your eyes slightly widen, ' Shit stop doing this to me.' You whined to yourself. ' I need to get out of here,' You thought and looked to the sides for a way out.

He noticed your eyes escaping his and decided to finally talk, " Hey?" " Hmm?" You hummed, giving up on escaping seeing there was no way out, and brought your eyes back to him.

" Why didn't you answered your phone nor come to school?" He asked. 

' Because I can't face you all and can't get too close to you or the others. Because I can't let you find out about my problems. Because I don't wanna burden any of you with my pathetic being. Because I failed... I failed everything, and that night I failed to free this world from myself.'

" My phone was dead and I had a horrible hangover yesterday," you answered with your best acting skills.

He looked at you suspiciously not convinced.

" I slept all morning then put my phone on charge without looking at it. After that, I did come to school for my last class." You tried explaining to make it more plausible.

He looked angry, " We thought you died! I thought you died! You can't do that! You can't get drunk out of nowhere and talk about jumping doing a building! Then you finally agree to give us your location but disappeared before we came. We thought you fell down or something then you didn't answer any message!" He ended out of breath.

" Fucking brat, you made me worry for nothing..." Looking down at the floor, he whispered almost not loud enough for you to hear.

" Levi, I'm sorry I was drunk and I didn't realize. I should've checked my messages when I woke up and realized what I had done." You calmly said lifting his head with your right hand.

" I know you were drunk but was it really just that? Are you ok? Right now are you ok?" He looked kinda lost, he who you had never seen with emotion looked at you with worry and sadness in his eyes even tho it was subtle you noticed it.

" I really am alright, don't worry I was just drunk. No more alcohol for me, it's not safe now I know." You answered him now with true honesty, trying to convince yourself too.

" I- I just can't lose anyone close to me again. I already lost too many." He confessed. At this point, he wasn't pinning you anymore and was turned around so you couldn't see his face.

' I'm sorry for your losses but I'll be adding to that number. I'm sorry but now more than before I'll have to distance myself. I don't want you to suffer so I'll slowly go my own way. Should be easy right?' You thought.

As you didn't know what to answer and didn't wanna lie even more you simply answered by putting your hand on his shoulder moving your thumb up and down in comfort.

" Let's go join the others and eat," he said and started to walk without looking back. " I already ate," you lied again.

' I'm sorry I hope you'll forget about me and won't notice I died. I hope you'll forgive me for running away and for leaving you when you asked me to stay.'


Hey hey, short chapter sorry '-' I thought it would look awkward if I added more and I would've only added the part when you go back to "eat" with everyone which I think would've been boring.
Thanks for reading!

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