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Noen's POV:

I sat on the couch of our hotel room, eating Chipotle. The others were still out, getting food by now I think. I had to leave to go meet Jordan, I was gonna meet back up with them but I was too tired. So, I order Chipotle, came back to the room and, watched tv.

The meeting with Jordan was greet. We meet with Bev tomorrow to hopefully officially get me signed. Then that night, if things go as planned, we are supposed to have lunch with the CEO and Bev. So that leaves us leaving Wednesday morning instead of Tuesday which is fine.

Once I finished my food I went to take a shower. My body was aching so much, so I just stood under the shower head. The warm water relaxing my muscles.

I was getting out the shower when I heard the main door open and close. I just suspected the others had came back  so I didn't think nothing of it. That was until I heard a knock at the room door, I securely wrapped the towel around my waist and open it. The sight broke my heart. it was Chase, red face and puffy eyes, with tears streaming down his face...He looked broken.

Before I could ask any questions, he collapsed into me and I had to steady our weight before we both fell to the floor. His sobbing got louder when I wrapped my arms around him and pulled him to my chest as close as possible. We stood there for s while till my legs start to feel numb.

I got him to get in the bed and as soon as I laid beside him, he put himself right on top my chest. I rubbed his back with one hand and tangled the other is his hair, I whisper "Your gonna be ok." Repeatedly as an attempt to calm him.

     I had no idea it could have gone this wrong with his dad. If I did, I would not have let him go. I could tell from his face just that short time he was gone, he was completely emotionally drained.

His sobs turned into sniffles as I held him closer and tighter to me by the second. But the longer he stayed there, the more my heart broke. I was so glad we weren't ending the trip like this.

My mom always told me she's glad I was older when I was expressing my sexuality because my dad was very conservative. So, I'm thankful that he's dead and I don't have to deal with that. My mental state is already shit, imagine me living in constant fear of my dad.

By the time the rest of the group returned, Chase and I was asleep. I had texted them all what happened with Jordan and Chase earlier but told them everything was fine and just to enjoy themselves.  

They made a lot of noise which awoken Chase, I was upset cause I was really enjoying our cuddling session. Still laying on my chest, he turns his head towards me. "Thanks." He says with s raspy voice that I almost melt at. "No problem." Is all I could get out.

I check the time to see it's only 1:30. It felt much later but I knew if I didn't sleep now, I wouldn't get up in the morning. Chase sat up and started to get out of the bed, I didn't want him to leave but I knew if he didn't he would keep me up. I stopped him before he walked out the door though, just to tell him about the meeting with Jordan. It seem to brighten his mood a bit, but I still didn't recognize the boy with so much hurt in his eyes. I have to do something to ease his pain.


Chase woke me up again this morning, wasn't really expecting that, wonder if he ever went back to sleep? I invited him in but he didn't do more then peep his head in the door," I'll be down stairs waiting, the Uber is already ordered and will be here in 30 minutes so be quick but cute, I'm going get us coffee." He said pretty quickly and not allowing me to get a word in.

I quickly got dress and did my minimum makeup for the day. I didn't wanna be too dressy but also did not wanna look like a homeless person so I put on my favorite red Dickies and my gifted Ami sweater. It was black and white striped with a red heart with an A attached to it. After I had my coat and bag on, I immediately go to find Chase down stairs.

He's waiting by the revolving doors with two cups a coffee, looking down at his watch. "Nice pants." He commented as he hands me one of the cups. "Thanks"  was all I said.

The ride was quite and awkward. I just stared at him the whole ride. He looked different. "Hey, are you ok?" I ask. Knowing I wouldn't get a full answer but want him to know that he could tell me if he wanted to.
"Yea, just this place weirdly doesn't feel like home anymore." He said and that kinda made me sad but I didn't say anything.

We arrived at IMG and all I could think about was Chase. As we wait for Bev to finish up her current meeting I sat and stared at my phone. There had to be something I could do to make his last day here better then last night. As the door to Bev's office opened up, the idea popped in my head and I sent Chase's mom a text so fast I thought my fingers would fall off.

I totally blanked out most of the meeting while Jordan and Bev was going over all the legal stuff. All I remember is shaking or nodding my head most of the time... I might have audibly said yes twice. But that's not the point the point is....I'm a officially signed model. I'm little 18 year old kid with social anxiety and weird fashion sense. "AHHHH!!" I scream with my mom on face time as I come to and, sign the papers. I'm happy to see , how proud of me she is.

I lock eyes with Chase for about 10 seconds and I felt every emotion there was possibly. "So proud of you." He mouths.
We celebrated in Bev's office really quick with a glass of sparkling apple juice. It was so good. But I was so anxious to check my phone I hurried out the office.

I luckily got a text back from Diana with all the information I requested. I quickly sent a group chat out to the everyone except Chase. With the information on the plan.

Once we left IMG, we went back to the hotel to share the news with the rest of the group. I hated being the center of attention but I love seeing my friends support me in this.

"So what's planned for the rest of the day?" Chase asked. Everyone looked at me.

"Well, I think we should go get some lunch first. Then, we'll figure it out from there." I answered. "I was thinking pizza."
My surprise for Chase was meeting us at our lunch spot. I was so excited and hoping that this would cheer Chase up.

Shortly after everyone was ready, we ordered the Uber and made out ways to the lobby. The spot supposed to be really low key and not the far from the hotel which I loved because I hated crowds 80% of time. Especially in a unfamiliar place.

After arriving to the restaurant, we try to go immediately into the building because it's freezing cold but We are stopped in our tracks. "Wait, what are we doing here?" Chase asked.

I got nervous. My heart dropped. Did I fuck up? "What do mean? Is something wrong?"

"No. It's just... this is my favorite pizza spot..... Did you know this?" He asked me. I just shook my head and played dumb.

"No, it just looked like it didn't get to busy so i chose it." I lied. We then resumed walking into the building. Addy and gave the guys our order as we went to chose a table towards the back of the restaurant. It was a cute place, you can tell it was Itilan family owned. I felt like I was in a scene from "Little Italy". I was getting anxious, Chase's surprise was on the way and I just really wanted this to go well.

The boys came back with our pizza and I dug in right away, I was so hungry. But in the mist of me stuffing my face... I missed Chase's reaction to his surprise.

"No .....fucking way." Is all I hear before I looked up and saw Chase starring out the window of the pizza place. I connected his gaze and a smile immediately stretched onto my face.

Chase jumped up and ran outside of the restaurant, tackling his two best friends.The three of them on the ground laughing and hugging, warmed my heart. He seemed so much happier. They eventually made their way inside.

"Guys, these are my hometown best friends... Landon and Cole. This is Addy, Bryce, Anthony and..." Chase was interrupted by Cole. "Noen." He finished the sentence. "Yea.... How did you know that?" Chase asked.

"Well, he's the reason why we are here. He said that you were in town and thought you might be home sick and would happy to see some friendly faces." Landon answered.

"Really? What the fuck? I never imagine you guys would meet yet alone talk on the phone." Chase said. He seemed better and that's all that mattered.

Everyone sat back down and we finished our pizza. We had a couple hours still before the celebration dinner so we decided to bundle up and do some site seeing again.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 31, 2023 ⏰

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