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Noen's POV

I wake up to a knock at the door, "Noen, you up?" I heard from the other side of the door. It sounded like Chase but not being fully awake, I  wasn't sure. "It's 5, thought I'll wake you."

"Um yeah, thank you." I replied sitting up in the bed and rubbing my eyes. Once I was fully awake I got up and ran to the shower, I didn't spend long in there because I wanted to be on time. Once I was out, I got dress in my plaid pants, turtle neck, my coat and paired it with my timberlands.

"Noen, you ready?" Addy asked from the other side of the door.

"Yep, how do I look?" I asked walking out the bathroom.

"Bad ass!" She exclaimed. She looked around the room at every one, " We ready to go?" She asked. We all agreed and headed out the door.

"Wait, do we have the cameras?" Bryce asked.

"Yep, I got them in my bag." Anthony replied.

We made our way to the lobby and waited for our uber. It was quiet, but probably because it was early. I got the notification that our uber was here. "Come on, rides here." I said as I got up. We got in the car and I gave the driver the address to IMG HQ. the ride was quick and I was happy about that cause I was freezing my ass off.

Getting out the car and looking up at the big victorian building, everything became so surreal. There was a Starbucks right next to it so went there before heading inside.

We entered the building and walk to the front desk where a girl around the same age as me, sat behind it. "Hi, can I help you?" She asked.

"Yes I'm Noen Eubanks, here to see Bethany... um, I don't know here last name."

"It's fine, I have you right here. Follow me, I'll take to her." The girl said grabbing her iPad and walking from behind the desk. " I'm Carson, and I'm guessing your one of the new models." She said as we enter the elevator.

"Correct, I'm Noen and these are my friends." I told her pointing around at them, " Addy, Anthony, Bryce and Chase." The all have her an awkward smile and waved.

"This is the best looking group of friends I've ever seen." She said. We finally exited the elevator and walked down a really long hall. She stopped at a glass door that had 'B. Taylor'    I guessed it was Bethany's office. She open the door and stuck her head in.  "B, Noen Eubanks is here, wanna send him in?" She asked the woman inside the office . There was no vocal answer but once she fully open the door and stepped aside I figured she said yes.

Me and my friends entered the office, "Hi, I'm Bethany, So nice to meet you all. Please sit." She said pointing at the chair. "I'm so glad you took me up on this offer, you have so much potential to be an amazing model." She finished.

"Um, thanks for the opportunity."

"Of course. Now today, we have you scheduled for Calvin Klein, you need to be there by nine. I just need you to sign some papers and then you can meet the man in charged." She explained.

She handed me a pen and I signed the papers. She typed on her computer for a few minutes, "Are you Addy?" She asked pointing. Addy shook her head with a wide smile. "I love your pictures. I might just have a job for you here also." Bethany teased and Addy's jaw dropped.

"Oh my god really? That would be so cool!" She screeched.

Bethany nodded an turned back to me. " Ok so we got everything signed, unfortunately the ceo just left so you won't be meeting him today." She said disappointed. I sighed and nodded my head. "It's only 8:30 but I think you guys should head to CK. They are 10 mins away and morning traffic bad.

We all got up to leave before Bethany stopped us. "Sorry on more thing. Noen you need these so they can confirm you showed." She said handing me the black folder. "The address is on the folder, have fun." She sent us off with an hug and her best wishes.

"Oh my god that was so surreal!" I blurted as we exited the building.

"I know right? I might be a junior photographer so a company... what the hell??" Addy screamed.

"Wow, our friends are going to be famous, check us out." Anthony giggled to Chase and Bryce. Addy and I just shook our heads at them but kept the giant smiles on our face.

A/N: hi I'm back!!! I know this isn't the best chapter for the first day back but it's been sitting in my drafts and I've been trying to figure out how to end it. But I'm going to try and have a chapter out every Sunday, just bare with me pls, also might be starting another book not sure on bye.

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