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Noen's POV

We picked up the hair die and go back to my house. Once we made it to the house we head straight upstairs. " Let me change my shirt." I tell Addy as she gets the dye ready. I put on an old shirt that was covered in paint from when we painted my sisters room.

*Time skip*

Addy helps me wash the dye out my hair, once we finish I blow dry it. " It looks so sick." Addy says. I walk over to the mirror and look at it. It looked just the way I expected it to, " Yea it's perfect". A ding goes off. " Oh shit, my moms here." Addy says looking at her phone. I walk with Addy down stairs, as she gets into the car, my mom gets out.

As she walks closer, her eyes get bigger. " What the hell happen to your hair?" She asks with a chuckle. "You like?" I ask her back. " It's.... different." She says running her hand threw my hair, I laugh as we walk to the kitchen. "So how was dinner?" I ask curiously. " It was great. Dianna came meet us and we pulled Secret Santa names." She says taking off her jacket. " Oh no, not again. Last year was horrible, Āyí bought me a rainbow candy pen-." My mom stops me. " Don't remind me."

I let out a laugh. "So who did we get?" I ask her. " Well; Bleu got Addy, You got Chase and, I got his littlest sitter Liliana." She says. Great, of course I got Chase. This is gonna be so awkward. " What do you even buy a 5 year old?" I ask mom with a slight chuckle. " I don't know, I bought you guys books. Kids these days be asking for iphones right out the womb." She says laughing. I laugh at her joke.

"So, how was your day?" She ask me. " It was ok. The Parlor got busy for awhile, I bought a $400 dollar suit." I tell her, mumbling the last part. " You What!" She whisper yells. " Ik, ik, I couldn't past it up mom. It was so beautiful and I felt so confident in it. It's Ysl AND I can wear it for prom too." I say trying to convince her it was a good choice. " Were is it? It must have magical powers." She say jokingly.

I walk over to the stairs where I laid the garment bag. I pull it out and show it to her, " Yep, it's beautiful." She says looking at it. " Told you, and at least I didn't pay the original price of $2,890 for it." I brag zipping it back up. " Holy. What the fuck is it made of diamond?" She ask sarcastically and I laugh again. " Ok, imma go tell your sister goodnight and lay down." She says heading up the stairs. " Night mom." I tell her.

I look in the fridge for some food but there's nothing. I look in the pantry and grab a bag of pop corn. I pop it and head up stairs. After about and hour of watching Big Mouth i can feel myself falling asleep.

*Next morning*

I wake up to my alarm going off and pounding on my door, " Noen, I need to borrow your pants!" Bleu yells on the other side of the door. I get up and open it. " You What?" I ask still tired. "The carpenter jeans you hav-, omg your hair is cool. Anyways I need your pants." She says running in my room right to my closet. " Um ok, sure." I say. I walk out to the bathroom and brush my teeth, I re style mynewly dye hair.

I walk back into my room to find my sister gone. I got to my closet and pick out and outfit. I grab; a pair of blue plaid pants that came with a wallet chain, and a black long sleeve turtle neck. I put on the outfit and slip my white high top converses on.

I grab my bag along with my phone, wallet and, keys. I run down the stairs and out to my car. I stop at Starbucks and get an almond milk latte. I shortly pull up to school and get out. I walk pass Addy and the boys and go straight into the school. I still couldn't be around Chase, but I could see him staring at me as I passed. I walk to my locker, put my bag in it and then grabbing the books I need.

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