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Noen's POV

" My turn." I said standing up. I grab the three boxes off the table, I give my mom her's first and watch her open it. " Ahh! My portal." She yelp. " You like it?" I asked her. "I love it."she replied. I give Addy and Bleu their's and watch as they open them, "No way." I hear from Bleu. " No I don't have to hear you whine about wanting them." I tell her. "Oh shut up, but thank you." She says. Addy liked her's also, " Ok Your the first one I'm taking pictures of, thank you so much baby." She says hugging me.

Chase's turn, I could feel my nerves start to rage. "Um, I have one more present." I go and grab the guitar case, it's heavier then I remember. As I walk to the other side of the table towards Chase, I can see he's eyes get bigger. " No, No, No. " he says as I walk his way. I stand there trying to hand it to him, "Noen, I cant take that." He says looking up at me.
" I can't give it to anyone else cause your name is on it and it's heavy as balls, so take it." I demand.

He takes the case, sitting it on the table, " You really didn't have to do this." He said looking back at me. "Just open the damn case." I whisper to him. As he opens the case all I see is his eyes widen again and him mouth 'holy shit.' " Aw that's so nice Noen." I here from his mom. I look up and around, everyone is watching us. Chase looks at me and then pulls me into a hug, "No one has ever believed in me like you do, I love you- it." He whispers and my hearts drops but then is crush when he corrected it. "I love it." He said pulling away from the hug.

"I guess I'm the only one left, I don't know how I will top that but I'll try." Chase says. He grabs the gifts that are left at the table, he gives them to his sisters, his mom Bleu and Addy. I felt left out, but its was ok.
I watched as they open the gifts, he bought them really cool stuff, he got the makeup I told him Bleu wanted and he got add a costume camera strap.
" I feel like I'm forgetting something." He says out loud and looks at me with a smirk. My face grows confused as he walks to Āyí's and grabs the mic from her.

"So Noen I didn't buy you anything, mostly because I couldn't find anything, So I spent the last week leaning a cover of a song that reminded me of you. I was going to play on the guitar I rented, But since you gifted me one I think it's only right to play with." He speaks into the mic while he snaps it on a stand and grabs the guitar. "I not really a singer so I'm gonna have a special friend help me. Bleu come on!" He calls out for my sister, I'm so confused in this moment. Are they really about to sing me a song?

As Bleu walks up to Chase, People start clapping and all eyes are on them. I get up and move up to a empty seat and watch as he tunes the guitar.

*Play the song at the top now*

"1,2,3." I hear come from Chase, as soon as he played the first note I knew exactly what the song was.

"I shoulda stayed at home, cause right now I see all these people who love me but I still feel alone." Bleu belts.
I still can't believe this. I get out of my head and listen.
"And that's because....I wanna be your favorite booooy. I wanna be the one that makes your day, the one you think about as you lie awake." Chase chimes in and I'm instantly shook,
my mouth drops.
"I can't wait to be your number oneeeeeee. I'll be your biggest fan and you'll be mine, but I DONT wanna break your heart and make you cryyy." He finishes the verse and I giggled at how he
changed the lyrics.
"You need to be yourself. Love someone for loving you and not instead of someone really cool that makes your heart, melt.........who knows what you truly felt. Your still my favorite BOY." Bleu sung, she has such a beautiful voice I'm the only one with no talent.
"Your gonna wanna be my best friend baby, your gonna wanna be my beeeest friennnnnd!" They shouted together as they finished the song.

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