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Chase's POV

"I booked me and Anthony's tickets last night soon as Noen texted me." Addy said as she shoved fries in her mouth. We were currently at lunch and the first ones because her teacher let her out early and she came and found me.

She's tries to bring up Noen in every conversation to get me to talk about him but I really don't want to. I Just can't wait till tomorrow once we land in New York. I'm not even excited by the game.

The bell rang setting all the other students free for lunch, Anthony and Bryce made it inside quick but they are normally here before me because there class is right next door. "How did you guys beat us here, your classes are on the other side of the school." Bryce asked.

"Addy kidnapped me." I joked taking a sip of my Gatorade.

"So Chase, this is the biggest game we ever played. Any tips on how we can keep our nerves down." Anthony asked. He looked really nervous about the game and I honestly had no idea what to say to calm him.

"Uhm, just don't think about it so much. Just play like you normally play, like it's any other game. If you overthink it, your gonna stress and that's not what we want." Is what I came up with. He nodded and went to eat his food.

"Look who it is." Addy said and I turned my head in the direction she was looking. "I thought you might have forgot where the Cafe was." She said to Noen.

He looked really cute today, it was a simple fit but cute nonetheless. Black jeans and black hoodie. He wore it with, lace less, Docs and a white bandanna on his head. I think that what was made him so cute.

"Nope, I remember. I have to talk to you guys but I have something to do first." He said to Addy and her face grows confused.

"Who's jacket." She asked.

I look to see what she was talking about. He was carrying a letterman jacket in his hand because it was different colors from ours

"Collin's, he left it by the house when I was helping him with his assignment." He answered.

Oh, so that's what they were doing. But I don't trust that guy, I bet he tried to pull something with Noen.

"Collin?" Addy asked. " Oh the dude Chase beat the shit out of." She figured out.

I choked on my drink and once I caught my breath, " I could have sworn we weren't gonna talk about that again." I said.

" Boy is bold." Addy finished.

"Yea, imma go bring it over to him, be right back." Noen said and walked off.

The table got quiet, it was awkward. " Why does he have a Jacket, I haven't seen him on any teams?"Addy broke the silence.

"Band kid." Anthony answered.

The bell ringed and scared me, Noen came rushing to us. "Shit, I still need to talk to you guys. My house, 5 sharp!" He yelled running to class.


"I think I'm dying, this has to be some kind of torture." I panted. Coach gave us 20 suicides because we took to long getting the last play right. My legs were on fire and I swear my heart would jump out my chest if I kept going.

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