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Noen's POV

Good thing I didn't going to school today because I stayed up all night. All I could think about is me saying I want him to love me back. For him to love me back... I have to love him already. Do I love him? I don't not love him but it's a big thing to feel for someone who isn't even attracted to you.

Anyways, I just got out from my eye appointment. I had been there since 12 and it is now 3:45, I don't know why it took 4 hours for him to tell me my eyes are fine but it did. But I'm free now and I have a play date.

I had promised Liliana that I would take her to The Chocolate Chair. She has had a rough start to her week so I guess this is the best way to cheer her up. Before I left the doctors office I called Dianna to make sure she was ready and I just arrived.

Walking up to the door and before I can ring the doorbell, it opens. "Hi." I'm greeted by those bluest of blue eyes, sending goosebumps up my spine.

"U-um um, I'm hear for Liliana."

"Yea, mom's putting her hair into a ponytail." Chase said looking at his feet.

"Ok, I'll just wait out here." I reply and I expected him to go back in but he steps out and close the door.

"So, no practice?" I asked

"No. Y'all going get ice cream?"

"Yea. Chocolate Chair so who knows what we end up with."

"Oh, you know I could have took her if you where b-"

"It's fine. I love spending time with Liliana... she's the sweetest and she makes me feel important."

"Yea, she hasn't shut up about hanging with you all day. She admires you so much, I wish she could see me like that."

"You're her big brother I'm pretty sure she praises you."

He was gonna say something but he was stopped by the door opening again. "Noeeennnn, I'm ready." Lili runs up to me with her hands in the air wanting me to catch her. Picking her up, and placing her on my hip, I kiss her cheek causing her to giggle. "You like my skirt?" She asked.

Admiring her head-to-toe pink outfit was a bit overwhelming but her fluffy tutu like skirt was really cute. " Yes, I love it." I replied. "You ready to go?" I ask her and her face lights up.

"YES!" She exclaims bouncing on my hip. She stops and look at Chase then at me. "Can Chasey come too?" She asked. I couldn't tell her no but it wasn't a good idea.

I look at Chase to try and read if he really wants to come but his expression is blank." I- um.. I don't...Y-."

" You know what Lili,....I have a bunch of homework to do sorry, I can't come." He finally spoke and went inside before I can speak again.

"He's moody." Liliana says looking at me and I reply with a giggle.

We walk away from the door towards the car but stopped about halfway "Noen, wait." I hear from behind me. I turn and see Chase's mom walking to me with something in her hand. "Her, booster seat. If you get stop you will be fined for not having her in one." She said handing me the seat.

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