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Noen's POV:

    The shoot started off horrible. I was so uncomfortable with the photographer, he looked like a weird uncle Steve who would try to touch you at the family barbecue. Luckily since I wasn't cooperative, he had to leave for another shoot so while we waited for the next one, they let me warm up with Addy.

The mini session with Addy really help because once the other photographer got there, I was just ready to get it over with. He was a younger guy so I was a lot more comfortable. I think his name what's Bryant.

We took an 5 minute break so he can switch his lens, and around this time, they were sending everyone back to the dressing room except Chase.

While I waited for Bryant to come back, Me and Chase giggled at each other from across the room. He was just standing there smiling at me.

I was startled when I heard someone whisper to me out of no where.

"Who's he?" Bryant asked.

"A friend." I answered simply.

"No, your friends were sent to the back. This one is special." He said in a teasing tone.

He walked back to behind the monitor but I could hear him call Chase over. I didn't hear what he said after that, but I seen Chase leave with Lydia.

"Um, where's he going? I need him out here." I told Bryant.

"Don't worry, he'll be back."

I listened to him and just focused on finishing this part of the shoot. We took like 50 more photos before I was sent back to the dressing room to change.

I open the door to find them all passes out on the couches. Addy being the light sleeper, she woke when I closed the door.

"Where's Chase?" She asked.

"I have no idea, Bryant sent him to the other side of the set with Lydia but she came back without him." I told her. We both just shrugged our shoulders.

"So what outfit is next!" Addy asked with a yawn.

"The suit but Lydia had some specific request. I have to keep on the Ck underwear. She also thinks I should pair the chain link crop top with the dickies and keep the CK muscle shirt under the  suit."

"Well they must be changing something... I say just change it. It has to be some reason she requested." She said and I agree.

As soon as I was done getting dress, Lydia knocked on the door. "You ready?" She asked opening the door and peaking her head in.

"Yea, um where is Chase?" I asked her.

"Oh, he's helping me with something he'll be back really soon. Let's go." She said.

I said bye to Addy and let with Lydia.

We walked back to the set but everyone was gone. I looked at her with a confused face.

"Don't worry, we just moved everything to another set. Come." She waved towards the elevator.

I got on and watched the numbers as we went down one floor. The door open up to the back of  a much bigger set. Almost movie like.

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