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Chase's POV

The day started fairly boring, I told the guys that I came out to my mom. Bryce made the joke that I got my sexuality wrong and that I was, and I quote "Noensexual". Which earned him an elbow from me.

Addy separated from the group after lunch because she had to go get her camera equipment ready for the game. Speaking of the game I have been getting more nervous by the second and it's not helping that Noen hasn't made it to school yet.

He said he was going to be late but I didn't think half of the day late. He was the only one that could take my nerves away and with out him there I will be a literal mess.

My bad luck must also be kicking in because it's starting to get cloudy and pretty chilly which will make us playing in the rain, miserable.

Just as I was passing the gym to go meet the boys in the locker room, I caught a glimpse of a familiar head of blue hair. And just like that my nerves are gone. I stared at him for awhile until I noticed something off about his out fit. Oh my god. Oh my god.

Instead of his normal cheer pant he had in a skirt with his snap pants under it. I felt my stomach cut a flip and the goosebumps rise on my arms. I tired wanted to go in there and complement him but if I was late to meet up with the team, Walker would have my head. So I admire him one more time and go on about my business.


Either the opposite team is having a worst day then me or they are just horrible because we had 2 minutes left of the 3 quarter and the score is 24-6

I still haven't gotten the chance to compliment Noen because during half time I couldn't find him. But I have a 5hr+ flight with him in 43 minutes, yes I'm counting.

26 minutes later.

"And your 2020 State champions, The Valencia Vikings!" Is the last thing I hear after I score the last touchdown. After that, all I hear is inaudible screams and the feeling of a cold liquid covering me... they pour the water bucket on me. Thanks boys, as if I wasn't cold enough. Hunter collects the trophy and we hoist him up on our shoulders.

Addy took our pictures and then we had to do an interview with the local news and take more pictures. After we were all done, we head to the locker rooms.

"New York, here we come baby!" Bryce shouts as we enter the locker rooms, while  everyone else is celebrating our win. I'm just happy we won and we get a break from football until baseball season.

"You guys coming to the after party Kassie is throwing?" Hunter asked the three of us.

"No, we're taking a trip" Bryce answers for all of us with a huge smile. Me and Anthony just look at him and laugh.

We took our showers so fast it made my head spin. I slipped on my joggers and hoodie along with a headband to keep my wet hair out my face. We exited together meeting up with Noen, Abby and all our parents in the parking lot, even Anthony parents came.

They congratulated us, showering us in hugs and kisses. Once I pulled away from Noen's mom embrace, I walked over to him.

"Congratulations, you guys were great." He said shuffling his feet.

"Thanks."  I do t know if I expected more but I was disappointed that was all he said.

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