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Chase's POV

I wake up and instantly go brush my teeth and my hair. I put on my light wash jeans and a black tee. I put my jersey on over it, my first time trying it on. It was blue with my number on both sides in yellow. Valencia ( school name) on the back and Vikings on the front in burgundy. I look pretty good. I grab my duffle bag and Polaroid camera along with a pack of film. I'm gonna give it to Addy so she can take some pictures at the game.

I sit and wait for Noen on his step and about 5 mins later he walks out. I stand and watch him walk off the porch. He looked adorable in his cheer uniform, it was burgundy with blue and yellow designs with Vikings on the front and he wore a yellow turtleneck under it. I took a picture of him as he walked closer to me. "Chase stop, get in the car." He said as he shoved me playfully.

As we pull up to school, we spot Addy running over to us. " You guys are late, come so I can take my 3 football players a picture." She says dragging me towards Anthony and Bryce. I hand her my camera so she can take one with it as well. Once we were done Addy, Noen and, I went put our bags away in our lockers. As we went to walk to back outside the intercom beeped. " All seniors athletes and club members, head to the student resource room. You will be given a form to fill out for your leather man jacket. Fill it out the drop it in the box in front of the office before the end of the day." Principal Teagan announced.

I watch as Noen and Addy instantly ran, I didn't know what to do so I ran with them. Once we made it to the room I let out a laugh. "Why were y'all in such a rush we're the only ones in the building."  I ask them. "We have been waiting for ever for these jackets." Noen said. Addy opened the door and we walked in, they gave us each a form and we walked out. " Did y'all have leather man jackets back east?" Addy asked me. I just shook my head.

Once the bell rang we all separated because on game day we had to be with our 'people' so Noen headed to  the gym with, I headed to the field and Addy headed to wherever yearbook kids hang.

Lunch time

As we all sit outside for lunch we haven't said a word to each other because we are all filling out our forms.  It was the fun. I choose to put my name on the front with running back under it but I also got a patch that said "Huddy" on the arm. Football embroidered big across the back and Vikings down the other arm. I fold the paper and slide it in my pocket.

"Ok, see you guys in a few hours, I gotta go." Noen said getting up from the table throwing his untouched tray of food away. "Yea me too." I said after him. I go one way and Noen goes the other, I pass the office and drop my paper in the box.

End of the day

Noen's POV

I walk out to the court yard and hed to the parking lot. I didn't eat my lunch so I was starving, I was almost to my car when I was stopped by Chase. "What?" I ask. "I was just seeing were you was going." He said shaky. "I'm just really hungry, I'm going get some food. Why?" I asked. " No reason, can I come?" He questioned and I nod my head.

Once I make it to Kreation and go inside, I order a blueberry açaí bowl topped with bananas, coconut and, granola. " Do you want anything?" I turn and ask Chase, " A water is fine." He said. The cashier gave him the water and handed me my bowl.
We sat at a table and just talked. "Are you nervous?" I asked him and he looks up at me. " Yea, you can say that. It's just I feel there's a lot of pressure on me, ya know?" He says "It'll be fine, you said it your self. You're good." I say taking a bite of my food.

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